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They went into their room, checking to make sure everything is good when they noticed something. The heart rates seem out of sync, and they immediately flagged more to come down right away. A few more came running in instantly.

"Their heart rates are out of sync." They said. "We need something to relax them!"

The others immediately grabbed more of what they needed, changing the bags with the new ones. Once it was all set, they tossed away the old ones, all of them settling back into rhythm.

"Anything else?" One of them asked.

"Maybe a break." They said. "One of you can watch them while I go relax a little."

Nodding, they sat down in the chair, watching them walk out of the room.


Mark woke up sometime later, that feeling of dizziness still there. Glancing around, he noticed his arms were hanging over him, tied up. Yanking a few times, they didn't move very much. Looking to his left, he saw everyone else spread out across the room, their arms also tied above their heads, still knocked out.

"You're awake." A voice said, getting him to glare at that person as Kristen came walking in, no longer in the soldier uniform, but one was standing right behind her. "I was beginning to think you were dead."

He sighed. "I knew're working with them aren't you?"

She knelt in front of him. "You could say that..but technically I'm not working with them.." She held up a necklace that looked like a dog tag. "I'm part of a group here..might know them as the Fireflies."

His eyes widened. "You can't be serious.."

"Oh, but I am." Kristen said, putting her necklace back. "You see, we planned all of this..the zombie attack? The radio calls? It was all a part of getting you and your dumbass of a"

Mark chuckled. "'s what I think of it..." Quickly moving a leg, he kicked her in the chest, the soldier reacting to it not even a second later, their gun pointed at him. "You sick son of a bitch." He hissed as he watched her catch her breath a little. "Just wait until I get out of these..then you'll wish you never saw us..or me."

She only smiled. "Oh I can't wait to see you try..considering I have an army of soldiers protecting me."

"We've taken them out, we can do it again." He said.

"I don't think you will this time." She stood back up. "Explain."

The soldier immediately did so. "We knew it was you guys in those uniforms..taking out the members in the front gate. So when she lead you here..we drugged all of you. The second she locked that door, we let the gas go. All of you passed out and now everything is working just like we planned it to be."

"You sick fucks.." Mark growled. "There's gonna be a storm coming..and it's not gonna be pretty."

"Mark?" They heard Lily ask, realizing she was in the same position as him. "What the hell is going on?"

"It's Kristen.." He said with disgust. "She tricked us..leading us right into her trap."

Her eyes widened. "You gotta be kidding me.."

"Unfortunately, he's not." Kristen said, looking over to her. "But good luck getting out."

"So you did all of this..just to lead us here?" She asked, shaking her head with a scoff. "How pathetic.."

Walking over to her, Kristen grabbed her by the neck, the soldier keeping their eye on Mark. "Say that again, and I'll cut your throat..and I'll make your precious boyfriend watch."

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