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The next morning, Sean woke up in a bed, a real bed that wasn't destroyed or old or falling apart. Turning his head, he saw Lily sleeping, blankets around her waist, her smooth back facing him. Feeling a smile on his face, he looked around for his shirt, finding it on the ground next to him. Sitting up, he slipped it over his head, realizing it was extremely dirty and smelly. Glancing around, he didn't really have anything else when he noticed something sitting on the couch. Slowly getting out of bed, he carefully tried to not wake Lily up as he stood, heading over to what looked like a garbage bag full of something.

There was a note taped to it, taking it off and reading it:

Thought you could use these, hopefully they're the right size.

~Thomas, apartment manager

His eyes slightly widened as he set it down, opening up the bag. Tons of clothes, from socks to shirts, to underwear to pants, to sweatpants and a couple pairs of shoes. It was for both him and Lily, considering a couple other personal things inside. Taking out a blue shirt and pants, he heard a noise come from the bed. Looking up, he saw Lily waking up, immediately heading over to her.

"Morning." He said, kneeling in front of her.

She smirked. "Up already?"

"Yeah, I'm am early bird." He said. "But look what we got from the manager."

Holding up the clothes he took, her eyes widened. "They didn't need to do that."

Sean scoffed. "Are you kidding? This is exactly what we needed. We don't need to steal anymore. We can finally live a normal life, not worrying about zombies wanting to eat our insides, or soldiers wanting to kill us."

Lily nodded. "I know."

Sitting up, she held the blankets around her, picking her shirt up on the ground when Sean went to grab the bag, bringing it over to her.

"You won't need that shirt anymore." He said, setting it front of her. "Pick."

Chuckling, she rummaged through it, finding a women's red V-neck shirt, grabbing it out of the bag. Putting it on, it fit perfectly.

"Well it fits." She said, going through it again to find some pants. Getting a pair, she also found a package of underwear for women, taking that out as well.

"I'm gonna go change." Sean said, heading into the bathroom. Lily stood up, putting her new clothes on. Even though the underwear was a little big, it was still something. Putting on her pants, they fit just right, buttoning them up when Sean came back out, his blue shirt and pants on.

"This feels so much better." He said, throwing out his old clothes when they heard a knock on the door. Walking up to it, he opened it up, Jackie and Bridget standing on the other side, also wearing different clothes.

"I'm assuming you got some too?" He asked.

Jackie nodded. "Yeah, and it feels great."

"And we've said it before but I'll say it again.." Bridget began. "but thank god we don't need to deal with the apocalypse anymore."

"What about you?" Lily asked, looking at Jackie. "How you holding up know.."

Her friend shrugged. "Well..I'm better than I was before..but it's definitely gonna take a while to accept that he's really dead.."

"Can't really argue with that." Sean muttered. "Anyways, let's go get some real food. They usually have a breakfast buffet in the main lobby area."

He grabbed Lily's hand, smiling at her, knowing they both remember what they did, that moment no longer a dream. They all headed to get something to eat, everyone happy that they finally get to live a normal life, not needing to hunt for food this time. But from what happened in the past will forever scar their minds, no matter how many times they try to ignore it. Their best friend, Mark Fischbach, will forever be in their memories, throughout everything they do together. They'll always remember the laughs they shared, the moments where they had each others backs during the apocalypse, and pretty much everything else. But the main thing: is that they all survived it together.


Well guys, we have come to the end of this series. It was such a great time writing these two books for you, and I really can't be more thankful for how many of you guys enjoyed it. Please feel free to check out other stories I've done and currently writing on my profile! Thank you everybody so much for reading these, and as always, I will see the next future adventure! Bye byyyeeee!


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