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After the fire died down a little, everyone sat around the living room, Jackie sitting next to Mark, talking to him. Kristen and Bridget were also talking, giggling among themselves. Lily still hasn't moved from the couch, taking her gun apart and putting it back together again a dozen times. Moving on to her crossbow, she took out the arrows that were still caked with blood, taking out a rag she found a while back, wiping it off as much as possible.

"Lily?" Kristen asked, cautiously walking up to her. "We're uhh..just wondering if you want someone to talk to..you look a little lonely."

"I'm fine." Lily muttered, finishing off cleaning the first arrow, moving on to the next.

"You sure?" Bridget asked. "Because you can--"

"I said I'm fine!" She suddenly snapped, getting everyone's attention as she turned hers back to her arrow. "I don't need a damn pep talk."

"Guys." Mark said, the girls turning to face him. "Just leave her be right now, like I told you."

"Well, she can't stay mad forever." Bridget pointed out. "She has to move on eventually."

"And you're right." He said. "But this doesn't need to turn into a debate..so just let it go and move on."

An arrow came at them, everyone yelling in surprise as it flew past them after they ducked, the tip hitting the wall next to the window a few feet away. Slowly turning their heads, they all looked at Lily in shock, and she had her crossbow in her hand.

"Next time, I won't miss." She said seriously. "If you're gonna talk about me, just say it to my face, not where I can hear you literally feet away."

Glaring at them, she shook her head, finishing cleaning off another arrow head.

Mark suddenly stood up, marching over to Lily.

"Look...I get you're pissed off about it...but that doesn't mean you get to shoot a goddamn arrow trying to kill us!" He said loudly. "You can't just sit here, wallowing in self pity!"

"Maybe I want to, Mark!" She yelled, getting up in his face. "You don't understand how I feel right now...that I left him there!"

"And we keep trying to give you support, but you always fucking throw it back in our fucking faces like it's nothing to you!" He yelled back. "It's in the past, Lily. You can't keep hanging onto it all the damn time!"

"It's the only thing keeping me around, Mark!!!" Lily screamed. "Just seeing Sean's face in my mind is the only thing that's keeping me breathing! I wanted to kill myself over a dozen times back there but I didn't. Because I know he would be devastated, and so would all of you!" Tears ran down her face. "You don't understand..what loss is for me. When you died...I felt the same way I feel now. I think about it all the time..just wanting to end it all. And right now..I wanna do it..but I won't. Because I see his face in my mind."

Mark sighed, closing his eyes for a couple seconds. "I get it...I do..but Lily..you can't just shut everyone out for help..we're all here to talk to, and you know it."

She calmed down a little bit, but not all the way. "It won't fix it...at least not right now..so before this shit turns into a sob story..I'm gonna get some sleep..." She started heading towards a room down the small hallway. "If..I sleep." She added, before slamming the door shut, the group hearing it lock.

"She's not gonna let it go that easy, is she?" Kristen asked. "I get it but..."

"At the moment, no." Mark said. "For right now, let's just relax a few more hours then we'll get back out there again."

Sitting around the living room, nobody said much for a while, Bridget rummaging through her stuff just because she was bored. Mark and Jackie sat next to each other on the couch, her head on his shoulder as he kept glancing at Lily's door and what was left of the fire.

"She'll be alright, Mark." Jackie said, looking down at their intertwined hands. "I promise."

"Yeah, I hope." He said, kissing the top of her head.

"Guys, wait." Kristen suddenly said, glancing around. "Do you hear that?"

They all listened, hearing what sounded like shouting.

"Crap..." Jackie muttered, everyone standing up, weapons in their hands. "More soldiers."


"Anything yet?" The man asked, standing behind an employee.

The woman shook her head. "Nothing yet. They've been the same so far."

He nodded once. "That's a good thing..means they'll have more of a chance."

"Let's hope so." She said.

He started to head out when he looked back at her again.

"You're doing well with this. Just keep watching them until you leave."

She agreed, giving him a smirk as he headed out of the room, closing the door.

Sorry it's kinda dumb it's all I got for this one haha..comment and vote! :)

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