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"Everything is still looking good." A voice said, sounding like a woman. "We're thinking by the end of the week, they should be awake."

"Good." Someone else said, sounding like a guy. "Just keep observing them, in case something bad happens. You never know when they could crash."

"I know." The woman said. "We're keeping a constant eye on them."

"Alright, well you know what to do if something changes." The guy said.


Everyone woke up early the next day, getting ready to head out yet again. They all met up by the main door of the power plant.

"Everybody got what they need?" Mark asked. They nodded. "Alright..then let's go."

Pushing open the door, everyone headed outside, Sean pushing the heavy door shut behind him.

"Out into the apocalypse again.." Lily said.

"Wait..." Jackie said, stopping by a bush. "Do you hear that?"

They listened, and they knew that sound anywhere.

Sean's eyes widened. "More zombies...I suggest we start running before we get caught in the middle of it again."

The group ran away from them, hearing a few clickers in that bunch screech, as if they found another victim. Turning left, it started to quiet down, until Mark skidded to a stop, everyone else doing the same.

"What is it?" Bridget asked.

There was another bush, and he hid behind it. "Look ahead."

They looked, seeing a giant black truck rolling towards them. They knew that vehicle anywhere.

"Shit.." Sean said, everyone else hiding behind the bush.

"Why would they come through here?" Kristen asked.

"Well, when they wanna be thorough, they wanna be thorough." Lily said. "Especially since they're looking for us."

"What did you do?" She asked.

Jackie glanced at her. "May or may not have killed a ton of their men, trying to get Lily out of the hospital."

Kristen's eyes widened. "Oh...why was she there?"

"She was gonna be used for a test subject." Sean said. "Basically have her die to save everyone else."

"Fuck, it's getting closer." Mark said, shrinking further into the bush. "Don't move unless you wanna get mauled by bullets."

Staying still, they had their hands on their weapons just in case, hearing it come closer every second, hearing soldiers shouting orders.

"Don't stop until you search every inch of the place!" One yelled.

"You know, we're going to lose them all the time." Another said. "What if they're dead?"

"Then I wanna see the fucking bodies!" They said back. "Now, search the goddamn area, I'm sure they're here!"

Sean took out his own bow and arrow he had for a while, loading it up when Mark put his hand on his arm. "Don't..unless you wanna take out the soldiers."

"That's what I was intending to do." Sean said. "And maybe pop the tires on that thing."

"That's impossible." Kristen said. "My group tried doing that, but we got caught in the process. Besides, since that gun on top spins all the way around, it doesn't need to be moving to shoot."

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