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They all began to panic, their eyes wide, unsure of what to do when Mark snapped out of it.

"Is there a bullet anywhere?" He asked Lily. She was too in shock to answer, her hands shaking, tears still going down her face.

"Sean?" She asked, checking his pulse again. She shook him a little. "Sean!"

"Lily, focus." He said, walking up to her, grabbing her by the shoulders. Blinking a few times, she looked at him. "I need you to tell me if that bullet is still in him, alright?"

She took a few seconds, but gave a small nod, taking out her small flashlight, struggling a couple times to turn it on. Shining it on the wound, She numbly looked closer, seeing something reflect back at her through the large amount of blood and skin.

"'s in there." She said softly.

Mark walked up to her. "Okay..I'm gonna need you to keep that flashlight on it while I try to get it out."

She slowly nodded again, Mark taking out a pair of tweezers before getting to work on getting it out. The girls slightly cringed with that sound it made each time, like paper crumpling up, only worse. After a few seconds, he finally got a grip on the bullet, yanking on it a little at a time.

"Damn, it's really lodged in there." He said, more blood spilling out, getting on his hands. Trying again, he almost lost grip on the tweezers, but he felt the bullet letting go of whatever it was lodged in, and he was able to get it out, his hand slightly trembling as he saw the blood all over the gold bullet. Tossing it to the side, he took out a needle and some thread from the kit, getting it ready to close up the wound.

"Do you wanna do it?" Mark asked Lily.

She shook her head, feeling too overwhelmed about all of this, suddenly walking away from everybody. Heading up a flight of stairs, she didn't care where she went, as long as she gets away from them for a while. 

Kristen looked back at Mark. "We should just leave her alone for a while."

Jackie started heading to where she went. "I'm gonna go talk to two stay here with Mark and help him if he needs it."

The girls nodded, and she went to go find Lily. Heading up the flight of stairs, she had her gun out just in case. Peeking around a corner, she saw her sitting against a wall, hiding her face in her arms when she slowly approached her.

Lily quickly glanced up, taking her gun out, pointing it at Jackie.

"Whoa whoa, it's just me." She said. "Take it easy."

She had an annoyed look on her face as she lowered her weapon. "What do you want?"

Jackie stood a few feet away from her. "Look...I know you probably don't wanna hear this right now but...we're doing everything we can to have him survive."

"He's not gonna live through that." Lily said, shaking her head. "I'm sure he's already dead..."

"You don't know that." Jackie said. "Mark got the bullet out, you witnessed it. He's stitching it up right now."

"It doesn't matter.." She turned her head away from her. "He's already gone.."

"Would you quit being so negative and have some positive thoughts about this??" She gave her a serious look. "He has a chance of living through it! Because we took care of it as soon as it happened, not letting him bleed out everywhere!"

"Since when is anything positive anymore, Jackie??" Lily snapped, glaring at her again. "Ever since all this shit happened, nothing has been positive in this world!"

"So your relationship with Sean doesn't mean anything to you?" Jackie said. "Nothing about it makes you happy?"

Lily stood up, walking up to her, standing right in her face. "You really think I think that? Do you really want an honest answer to that?"

"Yes..I do." She said seriously. "Does it..or not?"

"It does make me happy." Lily said. "But right now..with the way things are going, I'm not so sure being said..quit..being so goddamn nosy and worry about yourself."

"What I can't be worried about my best friend?" Jackie asked. "Are you really that blind?"

Lily suddenly punched her across the face, making her yell as she stumbled backwards. She stood back up, looking at her with anger and confusion. She went at her again, grabbing her by shoulders, slamming her against the wall.

"Lily, what the hell?? Get off!" Jackie shouted. "Quit hitting me over nothing!"

"You are really testing my patience right now!" Lily said, pushing her arm against her neck. She tried to get out, but it was no use until they heard someone running up the steps.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Mark said loudly, yanking her off of Jackie. "Why were you doing that??"

Jackie took a couple deep breaths. "Because..she freaked out when I tried to help her!"

"Well, whatever it was, stop it!" He said. "There's not reason for a fight over that!"

"At least I didn't ask if my relationship with Sean meant fucking nothing to me!" Lily yelled.

Mark stopped for a couple seconds, running a hand through his hair. "Okay..I get it you didn't like being asked you shouldn't have asked that..and Lily, you didn't need to lash out at her..are we done now?"

Lily only shook her head, heading back to her spot, sitting down.

"I got his wound stitched up by the way." Mark said after a few seconds of silence. "So..there's a chance he'll make it."

She only nodded, and he took Jackie out of the room, heading back down the steps when he turned to look at her.

"You alright?" He asked, his hands on her shoulders.

She shrugged. "Yeah...I'll be fine..she didn't really hurt me."

He gave her a concerned look. "You sure?"

Jackie gave a small nod. "Yes, I'm sure."

He let out a big exhale. "Alright then." He said. Touching the side of her face, he gave her a kiss on the lips, making her feel a little less traumatized as he backed away a few seconds later, taking her hand and guiding her back to the others.

"He hasn't moved." Kristen said when they came back by them. "I honestly don't know if he will."

"Well..we'll give it a couple days." Mark said. "Considering we're in an enclosed space, we can stay here a little longer. But for right now, we should just relax a little. I'll take watch for a while."

They all nodded, all of them keeping an eye on Sean, just in case for when he wakes up.

If...he wakes up.

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