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Sean woke up to a knock on the bedroom door, not bothering to get up and answer it.

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice tired.

"Mark." Mark said. "We're gonna be heading out soon. So get ready."

He groaned. "Okay, we'll be out in a little bit."

Hearing him walk off, he turned to lay on his back, sleepily staring up at the ceiling. He felt a weight next to him, and he looked to his left, seeing Lily on her side, sleeping soundlessly. The memories from a while ago suddenly came back to his mind, and he couldn't help but smile. Turning to his side, he draped his arm over her, gently kissing underneath her ear, nuzzling her neck.

She suddenly stirred, waking up, turning her head to look at him.

"Hey." Lily said softly. "That time already?"

Sean nodded. "I hate agreeing with that...but's time."

She lifted a shoulder. " is what it is, right?" She smiled at him. "At least I got what I wanted..and it's a good memory I can hold onto now."

Smiling back, he quickly kissed her before getting out of bed, putting his shirt and pants back on. Lily sat up, holding the blankets around her as she grabbed her stuff. Slipping back into her clothes, she stood up, throwing on her boots. Taking her crossbow, she noticed she didn't have that many arrows left, but she'll have to make it work.

"You ready?" Sean asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulders.
Lily nodded slowly. "Yeah..."

Walking up to her, he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry." He said. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you. I don't want it to be like last time."

She slightly smiled at him. "I know."

Kissing her on the cheek, he grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers before they headed out by the others, Lily closing the door behind her.

"About time you guys got out of your room." Mark said in a teasing voice.

"Shut up, Mark." Sean said, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.

"We all ready?" Kristen asked.

Bridget nodded. " goes everything."

Everyone headed towards the door, feeling extremely nervous about what's going to happen. This was it. It's now officially war between them and the soldiers, and they can't turn back once they head outside into the open. Slowly opening the door, Mark set foot outside first, immediately pushing away his second thoughts about this. Sean and Lily followed, then Bridget, Kristen, and Jackie.

" we go." Jackie muttered.

"It's all or nothing." Bridget said.

They silently agreed, and they all set off back towards the base where all the soldiers are.


They took a somewhat shortcut, only encountering a few zombies, but they weren't hard to beat. Stopping a good few yards away from the base, their hearts were slamming with slight fear.

"No matter what happens..." Mark began, looking at the group. "We get this done as fast as possible. We're gonna take the front soldiers guarding the gates facing us, slip in their uniforms, and get inside."

The group nodded, sneaking up to where they were, hiding behind a few trees in the process. Watching a soldier look around, they turned their back to everyone, and they quickly got closer, darting behind another tree when a soldier turned their head, thinking they heard something. Shrugging it off a few seconds later, they turned away, and Mark and Sean went first, grabbing the soldiers closest to them, their arms tight around their necks as they stood behind them. Once they stopped struggling, they quietly set them down, taking off their uniforms. Even though they struggled a few times, they managed to get them off.

The girls went up to more soldiers to the gate next to the other one, sneaking up behind them before doing the same Mark and Sean did. Once that was done, they took the uniforms away, slipping them on over their clothes. Grabbing their giant machine guns, they headed back over to the boys.

"I feel dirty.." Bridget muttered. "More than before.."

They all ignored her comment. "You guys good to go?" Sean asked.

"Yeah, we are." Jackie said.

They all headed through the gate, acting like they belong here, standing up straight and looking alert. A couple of them nodded once, and they nodded back before moving on. A bunch of those black vehicles were all over, some soldiers getting in before driving them off. A few dark green tanks were around as well, just sitting there, waiting to be used. Airplanes were in a couple spots, although they don't use those as much.

Finding the main entrance, they headed inside, a bunch of men strolling about, keeping guard.

"What do we have to do exactly?" Lily whispered.

"Well..we need to kill all of them.." Mark said  back quietly. "Not yet, though. I have a plan..just relax."

"Hey, you." A soldier called out to them, making them freeze in their tracks. Trying not to show fear, they looked over to the soldier.

Mark nodded once. "Hello, sir."

"Anything on that group yet?" They asked.

Mark shook his head. "Nothing yet, but we're keeping an eye out for sure."

"Good..I just wanna shoot the fuckers dead so we can go home."

Slightly cringing at that, he gave a small nod. "Yeah, me too."

"I'll let you get back to it then." The soldier said, saluting him before walking away.

Sean breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close."

"Too close.." Bridget muttered as they kept walking. They tried avoiding eye contact as much as they could with the others, giving a few of the soldiers a salute as they walked past them.

Kristen suddenly turned a corner. "This way..little less stress on your shoulders since there doesn't seem to be much of those guys down here."

Nodding, they headed down there, seeing maybe three pass by before Jackie stopped, looking through a little rectangular piece of a window on a steel door to a room.

"What is it?" Mark asked, walking up to her. "Holy...shit."

Everyone gathered around, seeing the blood everywhere, a table flipped over, pieces of glass strewn about. Jackie turned the doorknob slowly, noticing it wasn't locked. Opening it up, they set foot inside, Lily glancing back, not seeing any soldiers. Looking around, they saw a really big message written in blood on the wall:


"Well, that's comforting." Sean said, just as they heard the door slam shut behind them. Whirling around, they didn't see anyone standing there.

"What the hell??" Bridget asked.

Just a few seconds later, they heard a loud thud, and they all looked, noticing Jackie on the ground, passed out.

"Jackie??" Mark asked, suddenly feeling very dizzy, falling to his knees, breathing hard. "What the hell is happening?"

"I don't know!" Sean said in a slight panic, looking around for a way out. Slamming his shoulder a few times against the door, it didn't budge, and he looked behind him, seeing everyone else down on the ground. He felt it himself just then, feeling like the world is spinning around him. Looking back outside the door, he saw someone standing there.

Sean saw Kristen standing outside the door, an evil smile on her face before he blacked out.

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