Chapter 23

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"He is here."...

Ruive stood at the back as all the dwarves crowded around the door as Bilbo pulled it open. Standing there was Thorin Oakenshield in all his glory.

"Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door." 

Thorin stepped into the room, sturdy boots thumping on the floor. 

Bilbo looked shocked at Gandalf inspecting the door as Gandalf closed it.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago!"

"There is a mark; I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf introduced.

Thorin looked down upon the hobbit already judging him.

"So, this is the Hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?" 

Thorin began to circle the hobbit making poor Bilbo feel slightly intimidated.

"Pardon me?" 

Bilbo gave Thorin a strange look, hobbits don't fight they are peaceful creatures.

"Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?" Thorin asked coming to stand in front of the hobbit again.

"Well, I have some skill at Conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see why that's relevant." Bilbo trailed off feeling somewhat inadequate in Thorin's presence.

The dwarf king smirked. 

"Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." 

Thorin turned away from the hobbit and nodded to the other dwarves, as he looked around the room he noticed a woman he was familiar with, he search his mind trying to remember where he knew her face. Ruive. His face became angry as he pointed at the ranger.

"You! I know you." 

The other dwarves parted as Ruive stepped forward her face calm and emotionless. Ruive said nothing, she simply waited for Thorin to continue.

"Dragon slayer." 

The other dwarves gasped, except Balin and Dwalin who's eyes' widened. 

"What business have you here?" 

Thorin's voice was like venom, as though every word he spoke to her was like spitting poison.

Gandalf stepped forward to intervene. 

"Now, Thorin-"

"No!" Thorin cut him off. "She was there the day the dragon came. And she did nothing." 

Thorin point at her with pure fury in his eyes.

Ruive, tired of keeping quiet spoke up. 

"I warned your grandfather what would come, but he was a fool and did not listen."

60 years ago...

Ruive was sitting around the fire with Arathorn and a few fellow Rangers when she envisioned Smaug attacking Erebor. She immediately set out for the Lonely Mountain to warn them of what was coming.

Ruive stood before the King, his son, and grandson along with the other members of the council. 

"Your Grace, my name is Hadron, I am a Ranger and I bring you warning." Ruive stood tall showing she was serious.

King Thror leaned forward on his throne, the Arkenstone shining brightly above him. "

What warning do you bring Ranger?"

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