Chapter 32

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"Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." Thorin ordered. 

The company had left before sunrise, as by Gandalf's plan for he knew the Council would not condone their quest. It was Ruive who woke the dwarves up and helped them sneak out, and now she strayed to the back of the company. Mainly for protective purposes, but also she did not want to face Kili just yet though she knew she would have to.

"Aye." Balin replied taking the lead over the company through the mountains. 

Thorin stood to the side making sure the company all followed, he turned to see their burglar looking longingly at Rivendell. 

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Thorin interrupted. 

Bilbo torn his gaze away from the elvish city and carried on after the other dwarves.

Night had fallen by the time the company reached the Misty Mountains. The storm raged harsh and brutal, rain fell like shards of ice and the wind blew like a hurricane. 

"Hold on!" Thorin shouted over the storm. 

The company clung to the cliff side hiding their faces from the rain the best they could. Ruive pushed on in front of Fili and Kili, she may have denied Kili's feelings and her's but she needed to keep a close eye on them. Ruive also kept a close eye on Bilbo who was walking - well as best he could - beside Dwalin. She held back a gasp as a stone gave way under Bilbo's feet, he would have fallen in not for Dwalin pulling him back  

"We must find shelter!" Thorin shouted over the storm, though the company were more focused on not falling off the cliff side. 

"Watch out!" Dwalin shouted seeing a huge boulder hurtling through the air. 

The boulder collided with the mountain side making shards of rocks falls over the company as they pressed themselves against the mountain side the best they could.

Balin stood squinting into the storm and pointed in distance. 

"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!"

The company could only watch in both awe and fear as a giant made of stone ripped a boulder from the top of the mountain. Bofur stood dangerously close to the egde, holding his hat on his head a look of disbelief etched on his face. 

"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!"

"Take cover; you'll fall!" Thorin shouted pulling the dwarf back away from the edge.

Kili looked around frantically between Fili who was behind him and Ruive who was in front.

"What's happening?"

The two giant battled to and fro leaving the company struggling to remain on the cliff. If matters weren't bad enough, the mountain began to split between Kili's feet. Kili looked down frightened at the ground beneath his feet. Fili reached for his brother's hand, but the gap in the ground was already to great. 

"Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." 

Kili was about to fall between the gap trying to get to his brother.

"Kili no!" Ruive shouted reaching and pulling Kili back by his coat. 

Kili was not prepared for the strength of Ruive's pull and he fell backwards and spun around to catch himself which ended up in him trapping Ruive against the mountain. Kili looked up to meet her eyes the best he could in the rain and wind. He nodded in thanks before looking back desperately at his brother as he and the other's on the same side of the mountain were thrown across the ravine and into the mountain side.

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