Chapter 37

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One by one the dwarves were placed in cells except for Thorin who was led to Thranduil. Ruive half expected to be taken to Thranduil, she knew he would find out about her eventually. Legolas lead her up some stairs to an empty cell that was above the others. Ruive walked in and slid down the wall straightening her legs out in front of her and staring blankly at the wall. 

Legolas looked down as he closed the cell door trying to find the words to say. 

"You were right, I did give up on you. I told myself it was because of my father, but I should have found you, I should never have given up on you. I'm sorry." 

Ruive simply stared at the wall forcing back tears. When she heard Legolas' footsteps fade away she let the tears fall. She knew deep down that part of her was still in love with him, but she wasn't that person anymore, the woman he loved died along side her sister a long time ago.

The dwarves shouted and yelled in frustration trying to break the doors of their cells but failed.

"Leave it! There's no way out. This is no Orc dungeon; these are the halls of the Woodland Realm. No one leaves here but by the king's consent." Balin said, his voice deject of hope.

After some time Thorin is led back to a cell by an elf who locks him in and walked away, keys jangling.

"Did he offer you a deal?" Balin asked gripping his cell door.

"He did. I told him he could go 'Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu!' - him and all his kin!" (not to sure on the translation for this one I've seen a few)

"Well...that's it, then. A deal was our only hope." Balin sighs.

"Not our only hope." Thorin whispered.

Kili stared at the ground frowning, ever since they had been caught in the forest he guessed that the blonde elf and Ruive had some sort of past together. As his thoughts strayed he could not help the jealousy that seeped into his heart, had they been in love? Kili looked up to Ruive's cell only just being able see her. He could see her eyes were red as was her nose; she had been crying. 

"Ruive?" Kili called.

A shaky 'Yes' came back.

"What happened between you and that elf?" Kili did his best to keep the jealousy out of his voice.

Ruive swallowed and let out o shaky breath, she knew she would have to tell them eventually. 

"Do you remember how I told you I was once betrothed, before my sister died?" Ruive didn't wait for him to answer. "It was him, Legolas."

Gasps spread across the company. Thorin glared up at her cell, she had been engage to his enemy's son and did not tell them?

"Do you still love him?" Kili asked quietly.

"I am not the same woman I was, the woman who loved him the way she did died many years ago." Ruive closed her eyes, more tears escaping.

"Why did you not tell us about your association with Thranduil?" Thorin demanded.

"This happened long before Smaug attacked Erebor, and if I was still here I would have helped either way. Dwarves are just as much my kin as Elves." 

The dwarves nodded understandingly, but Kili continued to watch her longingly. She said she wasn't in love with him anymore, but he knew that part of her still did. But now he understood why she was so afraid to love him, she had been so in love with Legolas but she lost it and her sister too, so to love someone like that again was terrifying. 

Ruive readjusted so that she was lying down on the floor with her feet propped against the wall. Ruive hummed a melody father taught her when she was a child to pass the time. Soft footsteps approached her cell. Legolas held the keys in his hand. 

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