An Anchor

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Stiles tossed and turned feeling rather unsatisfied. He and Derek didn't go all the way, hardly past first base which was a good thing, right? He was taking it slow with Stiles, not making him do things he wasn't ready for. Of course, the whole agreement was something the teenager wasn't ready for. Stiles shook his head, knowing he had to stop complaining because he brought this all on himself. It wasn't even that bad- at least not yet. Sure, Derek was intimidating and had a cockily lecherous way about him but he was gentle. He crossed not one of Stiles' invisible boundaries and it actually felt good. Derek's lips tasted of danger- edge-bound caressing that somehow made him feel safe. The same effect came with the wolf's hands- how they trailed his back, tightly holding Stiles' waist in desire. And then it was over, an hour or so of kissing and rubbing but no other moves were made. Stiles could tell Derek wanted to have him tonight but he didn't. He simply lifted the boy off him and walked out, hands slipping from every alluring inch of Stiles' body.
Stiles awoke the next day, enraged beyond belief. How could he participate in such a vulgar act? It was sick, Derek was disgusting. How could he make Stiles do such a thing? Granted, the teenager seemed to have free will throughout the occurrence, it still caused Stiles' feet to stomp loudly on his carpeted floor.

When arriving at school, Stiles tapped his foot nervously on the classroom floor in hopes that the next six hours would go by slowly. The less time he had to spend at Derek's- the better. "So how's 'another way' panning out for you?" Stiles asked Scott out of mere curiosity.

Scott sighed, not meeting his friends eyeline, "Still working on it."

"So no where?" Stiles translated, wondering how far he would have to take this with Derek.

Scott looked down, trying to avoid the not-option of Derek's offer, "Look, we'll figure something out. I'll be fine."

"Two days, Scott." Stiles stated, lowering his voice, "Two days until the full moon and the lacrosse game."

"I know," he replied, "it's not much but we still have time."

Stiles clenched his teeth, simply wanting Scott to know the truth. He hated lying to his best friend, hiding things from him but it was for the best. Scott's head spun around, looking out of the biology room in curiosity. Stiles followed his eyeline only to see a familiar beta standing at a distance.

"Derek's here," Scott said while squinting, "he wants to talk to me."

Stiles swallowed, internally panicking that the wolf would spill the beans on what happened last night, "Y-you really think that's a good idea?" he asked nervously, "You said so yourself; we don't know him!"

Scott's eyes widened, "He said there's something else he wants."

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed, wondering if Derek was just saying that to Scott or if he no longer wanted him. He hated to admit it but found the latter kind of offensive. "Well what does he want?"

"I'm gonna go ask him." Scott decided, getting up from his desk. Once granted permission to 'use the restroom', the newborn werewolf ignored Stiles' objections and waked out.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap" the human boy repeated, fingers running angrily through his buzzed hair.

What if Derek told Scott? He'd probably be angry but not forever, right? Besides, Stiles and Derek didn't even do that much, just a whole lot of kissing. Of course the position that the kissing took place in wasn't the most innocent, but Stiles was just trying to make it sexier. He didn't know why exactly, spur of the moment kind of thing, but it worked. Derek got pretty damn excited, especially towards the end of it. That's when more growling started and his grip on Stiles' waist tightened. However, the teenager was surprised that Derek didn't grip onto something else of his. He wanted to, he could tell as his hands smoothed down Stiles' back, however, always stopping at the curve.
Stiles jumped, hearing the classroom door shut. Scott emerged from his dazed eyeline, secretly reliving last night quite blissfully.

"What'd he say?" Stiles whispered impatiently.

"He wants my help." Scott replied, taking his seat.

"With?" Stiles egged, glancing out the window to see Derek had vanished.

"The alpha- finding him." Scott said with a tone that was perhaps too joyful.

Stiles strained to keep a monotone face, not show any emotion or worry that he did something to put Derek off. Wait, that's exactly what he wanted to do. No Derek, no deal. "Well are you going to? Cuz' last time we checked whoever this alpha is wants to kill you."

"Yeah and Derek wants to use you as a sex slave." Scott said crudely, "Which do you think is the better option?"

"Not a sex slave." Stiles corrected, remembering how gentle Derek was, how seemingly considerate. Scott raised his eyebrow, wondering how he came to such a defensive conclusion. Stiles cleared his throat, looking innocently at his friend, "I mean it didn't sound like he wanted me as one."

"You weren't there when he told me." Scott shook his head, "And aren't you relieved? We found another way, just like I said."

Stiles forced a nod, "Yeah, I am but are you even sure that Derek knows what he's talking about?"

"He has to." Scott stated, "I mean how'd he control it all these years?"

Stiles shrugged, "Maybe he just had something to hold onto, something to make him human. Ya' know, like an anchor."

Scott looked down pensively, thinking of all the things he wanted to be human for, the ones he wished to protect. But Stiles knew the list could never be narrowed down because Scott cared about everyone. He wanted to protect everyone, even if it be from himself. That's why lying to the most loyal friend you have ever had was so damn hard.

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