Chapter 4: The Choice

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You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox.

-Wayne Dyer

Coco Spencer's POV

I can smugly say that I have been successful in seducing this straight-laced handsome Sicilian man in my arms. I knew he was way difficult to seduce than the men I met in the past. But I never want a man more than I want him. I was fascinated by him the moment I met him.

Now here I was, halfway from my seduction to him. I knew we were probably making a spectacle in my late grandfather's study room. The door wasn't locked and at any moment people can come inside and see us in our scandalous position. But the thing was I don't care.

While his skillful mouth slowly killing my poor brain cells with his addictive kiss and my diabolical plan to entice him gradually slipping away from my mind. The only thing I knew was the sensation of his kiss.

A low whimper sounded from my throat as his crotch grazed through my feminine core. It's been a while since I had a lover and my body gets excited by his touch. My hands searched for the buttons of his shirt and started to unbutton it. I wouldn't mind if he would take me here to the top of my grandfather's desk.

But my excitement ended suddenly when Rafe stopped kissing me and broke our body contact. I stared at him in confusion, half laying from the mahogany desk. "Why did you stop?"

"We shouldn't be doing this." He said, trying to calm his ragged breath. "I'm sorry, I've gone so far. I used the wrong plan in sending away your ex. I should have just talked to him not giving him a show."

I grimaced, sitting on the desk studying his half-naked state. I knew he has a sexy body. Muscle well distributed and those washboard abs, oh my...

Due to my fascination with his body, I heard him snapped at me. "Are you listening to me, woman?"

I forced myself to focus my gaze on his face not on his body-at least for a few moments. "Yes, of course. I'm listening to you, Rafe."

"No, I think you are not listening." He said furiously. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him, how I could listen to his lecture when he's showing his Greek god body right before my eyes. But then again maybe he wasn't yet aware of the fact that I unbuttoned his shirt while we're tangled on a heated kiss.

I suddenly wanted to giggle like a teenager. At least, I knew he wasn't that immune to my charm as he claimed to be. Few more persuasion when he would fall for my infamous appeal. "I think what you did to Zoe's pet is the right thing, honey. What a better way to send him away than to show that we're busy making out."

"Are you this aggressive to men always?" He asked angrily, as he finally noticed that his shirt was wide open.  He scowled and hastily fastened the buttons.

"Hmm, let's see..." I pretended to think for a moment. "...not always, only when I like the man I don't like the habit of waiting. I always go for what I want in life whatever the cost. When I want something I will do everything to get it."

Just like you, a voice inside my head whispered naughtily. I want you and I will do everything to get you. No one had ever said no to Coco Spencer you are the first man to turn me down.

He glared at me angrily, his light brown eyes filled with annoyance.  "This is all game to you, isn't it? A typical rich heiress who likes to play around with men she randomly meets at a bar. I sorely regret why I decided to bring you home with me that night. If I didn't do that I will not be tangled with you like this."

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