Another Part

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You guys seemed to enjoy this, so I'll make one or two more chapters. This one is Foeslayer going to the 'City of Night' spoilers if you haven't read book 6 or 7 and Judy remember, these are theories! Not actual facts!! Have a nice day my dragonets!!
- Starbeam

The flight was long and tedious, but Winter flew close to Moon so she was encouraged to keep going. Moon was glad that they had Foeslayer. Sure, she could be rude, arrogant, and sometimes lash out, but she's just a normal dragon.

"Why are there dragons all over the place here?" Foeslayer roared. Moon paused. She couldn't believe what she saw. Jade Mountain. The Jade Mountain was the 'City of Night' that they were looking for.

I see you've come back! Darkstalker said softly in Moon's head. She flinched because of all of the noise. She was used to quietness and buzzing, not normal voices like this. You need to tell me all about your adventure...who's that with you? He asked and Moon grunted with pain.

"Uh, can I go land? I have some things I want to clear up with...Darkstalker." Moon said and Foeslayers eyes narrowed.

"Fine, but come right back. I have some buiness to attend to," She stayed hovering in the air as Moon swooped and landed on the ground, Winter close behind.

"Are you okay?" He asked, twining his cold tail around hers, making her calm down a little.

"Yeah," She said softly. "I'm used to quietness, not lots of voices like this." She shook out her wings and decided to tell everything to Darkstalker.

So you went through all of that, and you didn't find anything? He asked with a bit of sadness in his voice.

We found Jade Mountain. Are you sure that this wasn't the city the prophecy is talking about? I asked and he thought for a second.

I honestly don't know, Moon. I want to, I really do. I can't though because I'm trapped in this cave! He said a little too loudly and it made Moon flinch.

Ow ow ow ow. She thought to herself as MudWings flew overhead. They were so loud, as always.

My apologies. I didn't mean to get mad like that. Just, did you find my talisman at least? He asked, slight dissapointment in his voice because he thought he knew the anwser.

I did actually. Moon said. Darkstalker laughed happily and she kept explaining. Turns out that Scarlet really had it (true fact) and used it for Winter's bother. Foeslayer just happened to have it at the time, so I can release you, if you want. Moon said.

You don't need to, at least not now. You deserve happiness and rest. Not stress and hurt. Get some rest and I'll talk to you in the morning, okay? He asked and Moon thought of something.

"Foeslayer!" She called and the large dragon landed.

"Yes?" She asked and Moon asked for the scroll. Foeslayer handed it over with a pot of ink and Moon started scribbling 'give food to Darkstalker so he won't be hungry anymore' and I put the pot down. The talisman began to grow hot so I dropped it and yelped. Winter rushed over, Qibli close behind. Then it stopped and dropped to the floor, as good as new.

Thank you, little Moon. Sleep well. And he fell into a deep slumber. Moon then turned to Winter as the others flew away.

"Sleep doesn't sound like a bad idea!" Moon said and Winter smirked.

"I'm an IceWing! I don't need sleep!" He fake laughed which made Moon giggle.

"Come on!" Moon dragged a protesting IceWing behind her and no stopped at a large Willow tree. "Here is where we can sleep tonight."

"We?" He asked and Moon nodded.

"Why not? I find you scales very comforting!" Moon said and Winter smiled, putting a silver wing around her.

"I don't care about the prophecy, or the others. The only thing I care about is us." He said and Moon nodded. Yeah, she cared about the others, but not as much as Winter. He will always be her number one.

The went through the green vines and curled up on the ground, Winter putting his wing around Moon, making her feel like she was melting onto his touch.

"Goodnight Winter." Moon whispered in the silent night.

"Goodnight Moonwatcher."

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm getting writers block. I don't like this chapter as much at the others because it isn't focused on Winterwatcher anymore. Ugh, it's turning out bad, but hey! This book almost had 500 views!! Thanks!! I really appreciate that you are liking this book! And as always, have a good night and a nice day! Bye my dragonets!! At least for now...


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