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Winter paced outside of the clinic. Moon was still unconscious. He had to deal with Kinkajou being this way, but now Moon? He still didn't know why he didn't fly away from this; forget anything ever happened.

Because you love her you idiot! Part of him yelled and he dug his rigid talons into the ground.

"But I don't! I need to leave. I need to forget anything ever happened," Winter said, but he didn't realize he said it out loud until a passing SandWing gave him the strangest look that any dragon could muster.

You know as well as I do, you can't run from this, his heart responded and Winter sighed, sitting down outside the clinic. He looked up at the sky and saw storm clouds ahead. A raindrop his his nose and he closed his eyes, unconsciously picturing Moon standing there, smiling her bright smile that could light up his world for decades.

She's the peace that completes you, he internally whispered to himself. There is no escaping that. And it was right. Or he? It technally was him so....

He was right about that. There was no escaping the way he felt, no matter how far away he was. It would only make it hurt worse, and to be honest, that was why he went home. He wanted to stay with Hailstorm and hopefully make his brother fill the emptiness that he had in his cold, hard heart.


The name that brought him despair and sadness once, but it went away once he was reunited with him. It felt like the best thing in the world, to be with him again. It was so long and he was so worried, but there was nothing to be worried about. Until he was killed. Killed at the talons of his own sister. Killed by the one whom he truest most.

"Three moons, what am I saying?" He asked himself quietly. Winter was about to go back into the garden, but something sat next to him and forced him back down.

"How are you holding up?" Qibli asked and Winter rolled his eyes.

"I don't need moral support," He told the SandWing and he smirked, his barbed tail curled safely around his back talons.

"And I wasn't offering. I was just asking how you were," He said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I know how you feel."

Know how I feel? Really? I find that hard to believe. Winter told himself. He guessed Qibli might feel the way he did if he had the same feelings towards Moon, but Winter wouldn't allow that.

"Sure. I'm fine. Now leave me alone," Winter said, turning his back to the warm SandWing. It was a very unpleasant feeling. He hated the heat. Just like right now.

Qibli didn't give up that easily though. "Come on, Winter. It's raining. I barely need to try to feel that you are hurting. Talk to me."

Winter was being pushed past his limit, but he would stay cool. For himself...and for Moon. "If you keep pestering me about it, then I'll keep ignoring you."

"But you're not ignoring me right now, are you?" Qibli asked, smiling a little. Winter wanted to whack him with his spiky tail at this point. He was serious, if this warm dragon didn't leave soon he would have to kill him.

Moon wouldn't like that. His mind whispered.

Well, Moon's not here, is she? The other part of him yelled back. She's not coming back anytime soon. Just like Kinkajou didn't.

"Did I ever ask for your observations?" Winter snapped. Why was he being such a bully lately? Sure, Qibli was annoying but he didn't deserve Winter's anger forced on him.

"Yes. You are friends with me. It is only natural," Qibli said back and Winter frowned. The rain started coming back down harder and without any warning, he stood up and walked through the mud and back to the garden. Peril and Turtle were lying there, sleeping. Foeslayer was looking at the sky, deep in thought.

Qibli followed behind, splashing him numerous times. "Come on, don't be like that!"

"Two things," Winter said suddenly. "One, I thought you were mad at me. Two, why are you making it sound like we are a couple?"

Qibli snorted at the second question, but he didn't anwser it. "Yes, I was mad but then again, you are just as worried as we were, so I can't hate you for that."

Winter looked at him. "Anwser the second one, then maybe I'll tell you how I feel."

Qibli batted his eyes innocently. "I don't know what you are talking about Winter dear!"

Winter gagged and turned around. "You are the most disturbing dragon I have ever met!"

"Good!" Qibli said. "But I was going for more "so scary that I'm handsome" type thing."

Winter scoffed. "You'd never be able to pull off handsome."

Qibli twitched his tail. "Scary maybe?" He was pathetic. Just as pathetic as Winter right now.

"Maybe...," Winter said. "But not really."

"Darn!" Qibli said, splashing the nearest puddle. "I'll need to work on that." Winter had to admit, when Qibli faked acting, it wasn't as bad as it could be.

Kinkajou was nowhere to be seen. She must've been in the clinic with Moon, just like the NightWing was with her.

Moon.... Winter's mind wandered again. He needed to do something. Turtle needed to enchant...something! He couldn't just sit there while his friend was in a coma.

Come on, Winter! What can I do to help? He asked himself, finding a less muddy spot to lay in. He needed to think without a babbling SandWing bothering him. How can I help? Can I even help at all?

No! There had to be something Winter could do. Something that would help him if he was the one in Moon's talons. Something that would change how he saw things...change. Change! That's it!

Winter shot to his feet, felt the cold raindrops on his back, then sat back down. He had a brilliant idea, but it would need to wait till morning. Twelve more hours until he could finally get his idea out there.

Twelve more hours until he might be able to see Moon again.


That was good enough for him.

Some hope was better than none. This was one of their only chances.

They had to do this.

They had to get Moon back.

Winter is filled with hope.

Yay! I'm back! I've been gone for over a few weeks! I meant to upload this weeks ago, but I never got to it. I hope you like this chapter after not reading some of my work in forever! HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT and till next time my dragonets!

~Starbeam (Pandora + Phantom)

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