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Winter kept flying. He wanted to get back to Possibility, but he didn't know if he could face Moon again after what had happened. His defenses were lowered and he was exposed. His skyfire was taken off once he entered the Ice Kingdom, so his thoughts were also exposed. What had she heard in his head? Did he let it slip that he loved her? No! He didn't love her, and he never would!

Why can't you get it through your thick skull, Winter? He scolded himself. She clearly loves Qibli, not you.

Winter was lost in thought the whole way, but his mind was lingering on the look of pain in Moon's eyes. She was hurt and bleeding and cold but he couldn't do anything about it.

Winter wasn't even halfway to the Ice Kingdom when the ground made some sort of rumbling noise.

Another earthquake? He wondered as he dived toward the ground and hovered there. Leaves from trees were falling to the ground and water was splashing everywhere. Some trees actually fell down, and some rocks were rolling around out of the place where they had always been.

Winter nearly dodged a tree, but it nicked the end of his wing. He hissed in pain and landed. "Three moons, why has there been so many earthquakes?"

It ended as soon as it had started and Winter shook himself. His spikes rattled together and he sat down, inspecting his injured wing. It was barely an injury! Little to no blood was coming off of it, it just felt like some dragon stabbed his wing ten times.

"I wonder if they have left yet," Winter wondered as he took to flying again. He kept wondering how Qibli was still alive in that cold weather, and how Moon was still alive. A few days in the cold must be awful if you aren't an IceWing.

Winter sighed as the heat of the desert hit him. He hated the desert with a passion. Dragons like him weren't supposed to be in scale-melting conditions, just like dragons Like Moon and Qibli weren't supposed to be in cold climates.

Winter nearly missed the town as he flew overhead. He landed right next to the lake and sat down, staring at his reflection in the water. What was he doing?

Winter knocked a rock into the water with his tail and heard the plunk as it hit the surface and sank to the bottom.

My brother is dead. Winter thought. He couldn't stop himself now.

I should've been there.

I could've helped.

It's all my fault! Winter now splashed the surface of the water with his front talons, making his reflection shimmer. He hadn't realized it much until now, but he looked almost exactly like Hailstorm.

Winter stood up and looked around. Where were the others? They should've been here by now!

Winter went to feel the pouch with the skyfire but was dissapointed to realize that he didn't have it with him. It was always a comfort to have, even if Moon wasn't around. He knew that his thoughts were safe, even if they were keeping a secret he didn't want anyone else to know about.

Winter streched in the sun and realized he hadn't polished his scales in a while. They were dimmer than usual so he turned to the water. His face dropped almost immediately. The water was warm and filled with mud.

Oh well. We all need to go out of out comfort zones every once in a while, don't we? Winter asked himself and he shivered. Who was this dragon? The last time Winter mentioned comfort zones he was trying to catch a narwhal underwater.

Winter shivered as he slid into the warm water, his silver talons brining up mud as he swam underwater.

He immediately felt better even if it was a little uncomfortable. He got used to it fast and poked his nose up to the surface. Right as he was about to float downstream, his multicolored escorts came flying over the lake, making him jump. It took Winter a few moments to realize what was happening before he pushed his wings upwards and shot out of the water, a wave hitting the shore.

"Wait!" He called after them. Qibli looked behind him, saw Winter, but didn't slow down. Winter caught up and he faltered, almost falling to the ground.

In Foeslayer and Qibli's talons, was a very very injured and cold Moonwatcher.

"Moon?" He asked when they landed outside of the clinic. He could barely hear himself. His voice was so quiet Qibli had to lean forward to hear him.

"She's blacked out. After you left us there," Qibli glared at him. "We had to carry her, but she still is shivering. Turtle!" On que, the emerald SeaWing came barreling out of the clinic, his face filled with joy, but then fell.

"What happened?" He cried and ran over to his fallen friend. Winter felt his back crawl as he watched Turtle grab Moon's talons.

Three moons, your pathetic, Winter! She's unconscious, of course he's going to worry! Winter thought to himself.

Winter was about to go into the clinic to see the unconscious RainWing, but right as he took a step a green and red Kinkajou came out too.

"Moon?" She asked too, now sitting around her. Winter closed his eyes and thought. She was now in the heat, but why was she still cold? His history books had to mention something!

"Chilled!" He said suddenly. Everyone looked at him as Qibli and Foeslayer walked Moon into the clinic, receiving a very amused look from Mayfly.

Winter continued. "Since she's not an IceWing, Moon is chilled because of her time in the Ice Kingdom!" He explained and Mayfly looked at them.

"What happend now?" She asked. Qibli shuffled awkwardly on his talons.

"Uh, she may have gotten taken to the Ice Kingdom by one of his psycho siblings. She got injured pretty bad and now she isn't waking up, either," He explained and Winter sat outside of the door. He felt responsible for all of it. If he had never had left, then Moon wouldn't be hurt. If he had never came to the school then he wouldn't have fallen for the NightWing!

Peril stood outside too, making sure that if there was other people that needed to be taken care of, she could notify the MudWing.

Foeslayer sat next to the burning SkyWing, closely inspecting her scales. She claimed she hasn't seen one of those in forever.

"Well, alright. Leave her and go outside. I have a lot of work to do," She shooed them outside and shut the door. The sun was now setting, throwing a beautiful sunset onto the garden. It wasn't fair. This beautiful day outside when Moon was stuck inside, hopefully not dying.

Winter sighed and curled up under the closest tree to the clinic. Qibli was further back, but he was watching the door intently.

Winter was going to watch the door all night, but his eyes got too heavy and he went into a dreamless slumber. 

Winter is back.

Heyo people! Yeah, I'm not dead! I know right? Surprising! I've had awful awful writers block over the past few days and I haven't had the inspiration to write. I'm so sorry for my disappearance! Hope you liked this chapter and HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT and I'll see you later my dragonets!


Wings of Fire - WinterwatcherWhere stories live. Discover now