A new begining

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Welp, I have decided to start a new story from the begining in this book, so here it goes! Hope you enjoy it better than the last one!

Moonwatcher stared into the starry night, feeling empty inside. She couldn't stand that Winter left just to go back home. Yeah, she wanted to leave and be back in the warm embrace of her mother, but she had something to do first. A big something. Or a prophecy, if you want the blunt anwser.

Moon sighed as she looked at the ground, drawing random lines with her talons. It rained the night before and no one had a place for Qibli and Moon to stay, so they had to sleep in the rain.

The two full moons were high in the sky, lighting up the quiet town of Possibility. It also showed that Moon couldn't fall asleep and it was near daytime. She kept feeling uneasy, like someone was watching her.

"Can't sleep either, Moon?" A voice said behind her. She jumped as Qibli sat down next to her, smirking at the messy lines she drew. "You should be an artist."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. Kinkajou has been clouding my thoughts. Will she ever get better? How long will it take? Who was that black dragon? Why did he go after the smallest dragon in our group?" She rambled, completely ignoring Qibli's comment on her 'drawing'.

"Moon, shh. Everything is going to be fine and Kinkajou is going to be okay. Winter will return and we can continue the adventure that we started," Qibli comforted. He went to put a wing around Moon but she scrambled away, a little awkwardly.

"Qibli, I'm sorry. I just need to get some sleep, then we can finish this conversation in the morning." Before he could respond, Moon was off. She looked around the large garden, flower petals slowly dripping onto the soft soil. They were supposed to be a variety of colors, but now, they all looked lifeless and dull. Something was missing from Moon's world, and she knew it.

Winter. The word came to her in a matter of seconds. She shoved past the happiness at the sound of his name and lightly growled. He hurt her. He left her to go home. He meant every word that was shot at her three days ago.

Moon streched out her wings and laid down under a peach tree, small rain droplets still coming off of its surface. She looked at the tree and picked off a peach, eating it in one bite, the sweetness filling her mouth.

The night was getting darker as clouds covered the two moons in the starry sky. Moon remembered her mother, Jade Mountain, all of her friends that she lost, Umber, Sora, Carnelian. Even though that grumpy SkyWing wasn't really her friend, she still wanted to believe it.

Most of those accidents had been her fault, too. She could've stopped them; listened to other dragons thoughts to see what they were planning. She could've tried a little harder.

It was all her fault and she knew it. Her mind was wandering to what would've happened if she never went to the school. Well, the fire would still happen and the stalactites would have still tried to kill Icicle, but it might have been much, much worse.

"If I can just stop my thoughts along with everyone else's, then I will finally be happy," Moon muttered, but she knew it wasn't true. She would only be truly happy, and that would he when all of her friends were back with her. Umber, Sora, Carnelian, Kinkajou, Turtle...Winter. All of the friends she lost, she could've helped them. Well, Winter was a diffrent case. He would do what he wants and be as stubborn as he wants, but Moon couldn't escape the fact that she deeply wished he was here. Even if she wouldn't be able to hear his thoughts, just the faint buzz of his skyfire would be enough.

Moon saw Qibli lay down quite a long way away from her, but as she looked up, she saw a star moving. No, not a star, a dragon.

Winter! He's come back! I thought he would stay away forever! I thought he would forget us...forget me. Moon thought, but then realized something was off. The dragon was...bigger than Winter and he had more muscles than the prince.

Moon assumed it was just some other IceWing, flying around Possibility. But she changed her thoughts right as she closed her eyes.

Cold, very cold, talons clamped down her snout as the figure landed in her back, their rigid talons digging into her thin scales. She was about to cry out in pain and call to Qibli, but she couldn't make a noise.

"That's what you get for making me kill my own bother, NightWing filth," someone hissed in her ear. She shivered in fear and the coldness in his voice, but couldn't put the pieces togeather. Who was this? Why did they hate her? What were they going to do with her. Moon's mind was now going haywire. This was all her fault. All her fault.

Moon thought that over and over again as a white talon struck the side of her head, plunging the world into darkness.

Four days left, Winter.

Well! That was eventful! I would've made it longer but it would've made my writing lousy. Anyway, there might be some blood warnings in the next few chapters. Anyway, hope you enjoy the suspense and HAVE A NICE DAY and I'll see you all later my dragonets!


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