Medic the Bird Whisperer

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Medic stood calmly as a numerous amount of birds flew towards him and found a comfortable spot to perch on. Soldier's Bald Eagle Compatriot claimed Medic's right arm as his spot. Sir Hootsalot, Sniper's brown Great Horned Owl flew towards Medic's left shoulder and perched comfortably there. Demoman's green and yellow parrot Birdman of Aberdeen set it's talons on Medic's right shoulder, along with Heavy's tiny Red Army Robin. Archimedes proudly sat on Medic's head, being the proud and happy pet of this bird whisperer.

Medic did not mind the scratches or pokes of the birds' talons, he was far used to it. He loved birds - he talked to them everyday, understood what they needed or what they cooed, as if there was a deep connection between him and his feathered friends.

Engineer's yellow canary Ein flew to the right, before stopping to veer towards the left, then the right again. It let out a confused and frustrated chirp.

Archimedes let out an annoyed coo. Medic agreed and nodded. "Yes Archimedes, I suppose Engie cannot let Ein vear velding goggles 24/7..."

Lol, this is sooo old. XD Still like it though.

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