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It was a quiet morning. The RED Sniper held his lukewarm cup of decaf coffee in his hands, enjoying the unusual and short-lived tranquility in the base. He was still slightly in a daze and his eyelids weren't completely lifted. Usually, he hates it when he was in this state. He liked being alert and sharp as in ensured safety, thanks to the many years of living alone in the wild Australian outback and being a full-time mercenary for... What? Two years already?

But this time, he let his eyelids fall and drew in a deep breath of the fresh morning air mixed with the scent of his coffee, letting the sensation soak into him before-

Sniper jerked his head as Scout tumbled into the dining room, yawning loudly as he stretched his arms. He looked over at Sniper. His eyes grew for a second, as if remembering something, and he took a seat next to Sniper.

"Yo, Sniper," Scout said.

Sniper sighed deeply and lolled his head over. "Wot?"

"Y'know," Scout leaned over to Sniper, slightly lowering his voice. "I just realised something."

"Australians don't have sex," Scout said.

Sniper raised his eyebrow. A mischievous grin grew on Scout's face.

"They mate."

Sniper stopped breathing.

He stared at Scout, wide-eyed.

His eye twitched once, then twitched. again.

A moment passed.

"Scout," Sniper said, still wide-eyes. "It's still Monday morning."

Scout's grin grew. "Dontcha mean... Mundy morning-"



In case you don't know, that last bit is a reference to a precious comic called Munday/Mundy. If you don't get it: Sniper's name is Mundy.

There's gonna be another comic today!

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