Owl Love To

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The metal tab of the can of BONK! squeezed Scout's thumb. He grunted, frustrated. His thumb fiddled with the tab again, trying to lift it to taste the cooling blue liquid in his throat, but the tab stubbornly remained intact, refusing to budge. 

With a defeated sigh, he flung the pain away from his hand and glared at the aluminium can. Why did they have to make it such a hassle to drink? 

"Yo, Snipah, can you help me out?" Scout called across the hallway. "I can't open dis can." 

There was a pause.  A long pause. In fact, it was a pause that lasted for such a long time to the point that it became unnerving — eerie, even. 

Scout tilted his head and stared at the rough silhouette of his teammate. It stood unnaturally still, devoid of the slight heave of shoulders when one breathes or the subtle sway of one's frame. The silhouette remained standing there, arms and legs shoulder-width apart. Its hands were frozen in mid-animation, as if the blood that flowed within its muscles were drained away. Its shaded head did not turn or even perk the slightest at Scout's question. Instead, it just stood there, doing nothing. 

Then finally, it turned — or rather, its head turned unnaturally slow, as if a string was pulling it sideways until a flash of yellow met Scout's eyes. The eye was animalistic — it was as yellow as the teeth of a beast, and its corners were as dark as the depths of its jaws. 

"Why," the silhouette finally growled. "Scout...

Suddenly Sniper whipped around, and an owl's head was his head's place. 

"OWL LOVE TO!!!"  

With his arms bent like wings, his head dove for the can. His beak grabbed the tab. His head twisted around all the way to his back as he plucked the tab like a sticker and flung it away, sending it clinking against a wall. 

He whipped his head back to Scout and screamed. Loudly. 


Scout's perplex face morphed into a deep frown of concern. 

"Uh..." Scout backed away from the tall, lanky man whose head looked too big on his narrow shoulders. "You okay, man?" 


Ittt'ssss OCTOBER! Aka iiittttt'sss TF2 MONTH! Prepare for LOTSA TF2 STUFF! (Well at least MORE THAN BEFORE!)

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