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Today was Sniper's turn to be in charge of the laundry. Setting his akubra and orange aviators, he walked towards the washing machine and opened it. He took out an undershirt and sighed as he was about to place it in a basket, and stopped.

The undershirt was pink.

Confused, Sniper dug in the washing machine, only to find more white undershirts that were dyed pink. Questioning himself, he searched through the whole pile of laundry.

And there it was, the source of the problem.

Cursing, Sniper pulled out a wet dark-red balaclava. "Spoi!" He yelled. "How many toimes do Oi have to tell you - don't put your bloody mask in the wash!"

Seriously Spy, the colour gets drained off and makes everything pink. Based on something that happened in real life. My mom wasn't too happy.

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