Idiot Sandvich

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The red, airy, aura disconnected  from the RED Scout who bounded to the back of the final capture point of Badwater, preparing to flank the BLUs from the side. Medic's Medigun crackled with energy, small, red sparks of electricity dancing in and around the mouth of the gun.

"I AM FULLY CHARGED!!!" Medic shouted, eyes peering around to find someone in a capable position of Übering.

Demoman, who stood a couple of meters away chuckled.

"Hit it doc-"

Demoman was cut off short as he got blown up by the BLU Soldier's bazooka. Medic stared blankly at what just happened.

He opened his mouth and instinctively called for his favourite test subje-co worker.

"HEAVY!!!" Medic screamed at the top of his lungs.

The BLUs were pushing the cart too quickly for the REDs' comfort. A spy just sapped Engineer's contraptions and backstabbed him. Their Pyro surprised them from behind and burned most of the BLUs, but a Demoman blew him up as their Medic healed the burn wounds. The RED Heavy was injured and low on health. Luckily, he brought his Samdvich.

Unfortunately, he didn't here the Medic calling for him.

"HEAVY!" Medic yelled. "I AM CHARGING YOU NOW!!!"

Heavy's eyes widened in shock as a flow of a warm, electric-like energy erupted from within him. The Über formula coursed through his veins, making his skin red-hot and metallic-like. He looked back at the Medic and met his unimpressed look on his face as Heavy ate his Samdvich. He offered a smile and shrugged.

"Dummkopf," Medic grumbled as he slapped his hand on his face. The Übercharge was wore off as millions of projectiles and bullets were directed at them.

A few seconds later, Medic and Heavy appeared in the RED respawn room. Medic had his Medigun at the ready and Heavy had his Sandvich in hand.

"SCHWEINHUND!!!" Medic roared at Heavy as he snatched the Sandvich from his hand.

"VHAT ARE YOU!?" He growled as he slapped one half on one side of Heavy's face while slapping the other half on the other side, sandwiching Heavy'a head.

Speechless, Heavy spat out what was in his mind.

"An eediot Sandvich..."

Let out your inner Ramsay, Medic! XD Based on something that luckily happened to me when I was playing with my sister in a LAN server. A bot Medic charged me, and I switched from my melee to my primary, but I accidentally switched to my secondary instead and are the Sandvich... Heh. XD

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