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lunashygaby challenged me to do this.

Scout leaned against the wall and casually hung his orange headphone around his neck. He adjusted his hat and straightened his red uniform as Ms. Pauling walked towards his direction.

"Heeeey, Ms. Pauling!" Scout called out, crossing his arms.

"Hello Scout," Ms. Pauling replied, smiling at him before walking on. Scout inhaled quickly, wanting to get her attention somehow by impressing her. An idea popped in his head.

"Hey Ms. Pauling!" Scout stopped her and tried to give a casual but seductive smile. "D'you know what's the sexiest thing of a woman?"

Ms. Pauling stopped, surprised and intrigued by this question. "No... What is it?"

Scout shifted into another position, trying to look better.

"Her intelligence," He replied, giving a classy smile.

Ms. Pauling stopped and stared at Scout, as if he just said that he was going to take his shirt off again. Knowing Scout, a woman's intelligence won't attract him for the first time. Her serious frown quickly morphed into a questioning smile. She arched her eyebrows and stared into Scout's eyes.

"Really?" She asked, before she walked away, giving a little smirk.

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