Party Hat

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Sniper took the red party hat from Pyro and strapped it onto his head. Today was the 8th anniversary of Mann. Co, and both RED and BLU decided to celebrate by wearing party hats that give them pyrovision.

He grumbled as he strapped the cone onto his head. He would rather get dominated by a spy than wearing this hat while fighting.

Scout walked past him and laughed. "Ha, UNICORN!"

Sniper then realised that his had his hat on the top of his forehead instead of the top of his head. Reddening from embarrassment, he pulled his hat further up and wished he could hide under his dear, old akubra.

Again, old art is old art (aka about a month or two old lol). This one was based on Sniper wearing the party hat in game. For some reason, it seems to be on the top of his forehead instead of the top of his head. My older sister agreed that he looked like a unicorn from the side with the party hat on.

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