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"Don't take zhis personally cheri," the French spy whispered with a small smile, his butterfly knife pressed against his rival's delicate neck.
"Oh, I am taking this very personally," the female agent replied with a Bostonian accent, pushing the muzzle a bit deeper into the man's chin. "Just a few moments ago you were a gentleman trying to seduce me over for a meal."
"And by trying, you mean succeeding, non?" The French man smirked, grey-blue eyes staring into the woman's bright blue eyes.
"Have you considered that I might be playing along as well?" The woman retorted.
"Oui, but zhere is a possibility zhat zhat's an excuse."
The woman raised an eyebrow. "And is you trying to seduce me might also be an excuse too, luv? And that you were just 'playing along' by getting me that expensive drink?"
"Ze keyword is 'might'."
The woman gave a straight face and shoved the muzzle a bit deeper again. "So are we just going to wait until one of us drops dead?"
The man suddenly drew back his knife, gently pushed the revolver away from his chin and stepped back. "Ze mission I got was only to gain information. I am sure I could fulfil zhat without killing such an elegant and skilled lady."
He offered a hand as the woman stored her revolver in a holster on her leg hidden by her dress. "I suppose I could complete my mission without killing such a striking man as well. But I suppose that maybe we could do that... Later?"
She offered a smile and placed her hand on his. He led her out of the dark hotel corridor.
"I don't see why not, cheri."


Alright, so I know this isn't a punny story, but I accidentally wrote a whole short story on this. Whoops.

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