Think wih Portals (TF2 x Portal)

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The BLU Scout ran ahead and stopped. He looked around and scanned for nearby conflicts.

Seeing that the REDs weren't crowding in this area, Scout yelled into his earpiece's microphone.

"Yo hahd-hat!" Scout called out. "Need a dispensah here!"

Strangely, he did not get a grumble in his earpiece in reply. Scout jiggled his legs impatiently. He should be here by now-

Scout's eyes darted to the wall as he saw an orange beam of light hit the surface. An orange circle appeared. Orange particles seemed to float off it. He looked into the circle and found another part of the map which was near the BLU base.

"What the-ARGH!" He yelled out in surprise as a blue toolbox nearly hit him.

Meanwhile, the BLU Engineer chuckled as he switched his Portal Gun off.

"Think with portals, they said," Engineer smiled.

I just thought of this when I was having some crossover thing between TF2 and Portal. FIY, I crossover a LOT of things, so don't be surprised if more TF2 crossovers appear here.

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