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Spy stopped and turned on his heels at the sound of Scout's scream. Now what!? They've just fought a gigantic bread monster with green tentacles that wrecked half of their base, and now this!?

"ARGH! AAHHH!!!" Scout howled.

Spy would very much like to ignore Scout and leave him to his own tomfoolery, but deep inside him, he had this urge to run to Scout and help him in whatever mess he got himself into.


That did it. Spy dashed towards the source of Scout's voice. His black dress shoes clicked noisily and loudly on the floor. He skidded and barely missed the entrance of the room Scout was in. His hand caught the edge of the open door and he pulled himself back. He spun and looked into the door.

"What is it Scout??" Spy asked, his voice cracking with a bit too much concern.

He stared at Scout with numerous mutated bread monsters dangling off him.

Spy blinked a couple of times.

One of the bread monsters decided to launched itself at Scout's face. He let out a sharp yelp. He flailed his hand, trying to get it off his face.

"So. Much. PAIN!!!" Scout hollered.

Scout's bright blue eyes met Spy's blue-grey eyes for a second.

Spy swore he saw a twinkle in Scout's eyes when he said pain.

Spy straightened his lips and narrowed his eyebrows.

He turns around, and walked out of the room.


Pro tip if ya didn't get it: pain = bread in French.

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