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"SOLDIER! VHY DID YOU TELL ZE ENEMY SPY ZE CODE TO ZE INTELLIGENCE ROOM!?" Medic blared, his face red with anger and his black and grey hair messy, dripping with sweat.

"Well, he asked me what the code was," Soldier objected. "So I replied: Hah! You would never get anything out of this old war dog, and it is most definitely not 1111!"

"AAARGHHH!!!" Medic yelled out in frustration. "DUMMKOPF! Do you even have a BRAIN!? Vhat is 2 + 2!?"

Soldier gave a blank look at Medic. Scout gave a subtle smirk and leaned over to Soldier, an idea forming in his head.

"Seven!" Scout whispered.

"SEVEN!!!" Soldier hollered confidently, rising from the bench.

"VHAT ZE HELL!?" Medic shouted, unsure whether to sound furious or incredibly confused as Scout buried his head and muffled his laughter.


Hey y'all! Long time no see! Sorry for the sketchy and messy comic. It was just a quick doodle about an idea in my head.

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