One shot- istoleurcrayon

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Tick.... Tok.... Tick.... Tok.....

"Let's go, bitches!" Andy screamed in a decibel quite new to mankind.

I was still frozen. The memories of the previous night was still haunting me, but the outer image of me is 'glad it happened' and 'believes it was the best'. Yes, that's right. I’m thinking of the night I broke up with my fiancé. I have been putting on a brave face, but the truth is I feel like I'm being stabbed in the heart, hit by a train, and drowning, all at the same time. "What did I just say? Let’s go!" Andy yelled, snapping me out of my trance.

Walking towards a building that looked like it was trying WAY too hard to be cool, we strut in outfits that obviously cost more than the building itself. "Hold up. Who are we meeting?" I asked Andy with confusion laced through my words.

"Tommy, Emily, Ryder, and Jackson." Andy tells me with a cheeky grin on her face. I roll my eyes at her insanity and follow her to the VIP section of the club.

"Hey guys!" Andy yells before sitting onto her own fiancé’s lap. The love in her eyes is evident to Tommy, but something seems missing. Almost a guilty look in her eyes. Maybe it’s nothing. I shrug it off and sit down on the only empty seat in the overcrowded bar.

"So how’s it going with everyone?" I ask to nobody in particular.

"Jackson and Emily went to get drinks. We just got here." Ryder announces. He looks sort of scared. Almost the same guilty look Andy wore.

"Hey, there you guys are!" I know that voice. I turn around faster than light and look into the eyes of my ex-fiancé. Regret, sorrow, guiltiness, and emptiness are clearly noted in his features. My eyes probably marked the same. "Holly, I..." he started.

"Save it." Instead of responding with a long drawn out speech i turn to Ryder, desperate to save at least some of my dignity. He looks at me with careful eyes. As I make my way towards him, I can feel Kale burning a hole through my back. Who cares anymore. " get me drunk." I whispered to Ryder in complete loss of hope.

It took a while but eventually he remarked with a smirk "Absolutely."


I could see Kale look at me across the bar with worry. A smirk took my features, maybe I should exaggerate this drunk thing a little more than needed. Besides, for all he knows I could have had more than a single beer. "BUBBLES!!!" I shouted into Ryder’s black Gucci shirt. He laughed and shrugged me off.  "No puppy be mine, I will call you squishy and you will be my squishy. Good squishy!" I cooed and giggled.

"Holly are you ok?" Ryder asked as he hugged me (or more as i hugged him and wouldn’t let go).His tan skin glowing with life and black hair spiked.

"Of course squishy!" I slurred and pet his arm . And queue the giggles. "Whoops!" the beer in my hand accidently spilled all over the front of my dress and the back of his shirt.

"Ok time to get you home." Ryder said slowly, almost like I’m a kindergartener.

Kale looked at his brother with jealous eyes and pushed through the crowed over to where we stood. Hmmm interesting... jealous huh? Let’s see how jealous he can be. "Oops!" I yelled as I 'tripped' on a chair leg and fell into Ryder. I am 'drunk', aren’t I? Ryder an I fell to the floor with an oomph.

"Come on teddy bear lets go home." I whispered to Ryder, though it was obvious Kale could hear. I swear if looks could kill...


Ryder set me down gently on the soft bed with ease. "There you go, Princess. Goodnight."

"No. stay with me." I replied shakily. He’s the only person I can trust right now. I really needed to rant.

"What’s up?" he asks hesitantly. He sat on the bed and I scooted closer. He stared at me with expectant eyes.

I don’t know what I’m doing, he doesn’t even like me. I’m insane. All of the sudden I burst into sobs. This is too much. Trying to stay strong was exhausting and I can’t do it anymore.

Ryder wasted no time a pulled me in his arms. Rocking me back and forth, shushing me in attempts to get me to stop crying. I was still shaking, tears overflowing onto my cheeks. Memories of Kale replayed in my head.

"I told him I loved him and he left me." I cried.

"It will be okay. Everything will be okay." Ryder says, fake calm in his words. He pulled back and looked at me. Tears started to well up in his eyes too. I sighed and laid on the soft bed. If I’m going to be miserable, it should be in comfort. I was about to drift into an empty slumber until a large arm draped across my body. "It will be okay." Is all i heard before I was asleep.

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