Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

I leaned forward in anticipation. Natasha is taking me to meet these 'Avenger' people. We were five minutes out from Stark Tower where, apparently, the Avengers live. As we drove, we passed a few building and large trees. Then we arrived.

I got out of the car and looked up at the building. It looked really high tech. Which isn't a good thing. Demigods and electronics don't mix. Natasha grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the lobby doors. Natasha let go of my wrist and got into an elevator. Now, ever since Tartarus, I haven't been so fond of elevators. But to be honest, nothing really scares me anymore. After Tartarus, well I just am better. Braver. For some messed up reason, it helped me in a way. But elevators were still a no-no. I don't do well in confined spaces ever. I hesitantly walked into the elevator and Natasha looked at me weird. She pushed the button with the number 47 and the doors closed.

My breathing sped up as the elevator rose up to the 47th floor and I gripped the railing so hard my hands started to hurt. It was a relief when the doors opened and I bolted out of there. My fear was soon forgotten as Natasha turned me towards her and whispered in my ear. "If you see Fury, don't make him mad. That will end up very badly." And with that, she walked past me and greeted a few people.

I looked around and saw that we were in a living room with a kitchen. I walked to the couch and sat down. A guy with a goatee looked at me, "Um, who are you?"

Natasha stopped talking and looked at him. "He's my nephew Stark."

"You have a nephew? I didn't know that. I thought yo-"

"Do you really want to continue that statement Tony?" Natasha threatened. Tony stopped talking and sat down on couch with a pouty face.

"What's your name, kid?" A buff guy with blonde hair and blue eyes asked me.

"Percy. Who are you?"

The man looked shocked at his statement and then smiled. "Steve Rogers. Nice to finally meet someone who doesn't know us."

I got a little more confused there but hid it. I nodded, looking at the other people in the room. One of them were shocked at my lack of fangirling, but the rest were extremely relieved.

Natasha smirked at the shocked man. "Told you so, Stark. Everyone, this is Percy, my nephew. Percy the blond you just met is Steve Rogers aka Captain America, the one on the couch is Bruce aka The Hulk. The guy dressed in black like me in Clint aka Hawkeye, the shocked idiot is Tony Stark also known as Iron Man or Tin Man involving some cases. Or maybe a selfish--"

"So I'm in a room full of spandex wearing superheroes?" Percy interrupted. Natasha tried not to laugh at the indignant looks on their faces.

"Only some wear spandex. And obviously I'm Natasha or The Black Widow. There's one other member but he isn't here today. You'll meet him some other time."

"Okay," I said. "You're the only girl. But I only just met Tony Stark and I already don't know how you could deal with him."

The man on the couch snorted as Tony let out and indignant, "Hey!"

"That's wonderful."

I spun around to see a new figure walk into the room. He looked just like a pirate, but I remembered Natasha's warning and kept quiet.

"Director Fury," Clint said, "I was wondering when you were going to come."

"I told you seven and that's the time now, Barton."

"Hey, no need to be so touchy."


"It's fine Romanoff. Don't bother." Fury fixed his gaze on me. "And who is this?"

Natasha's eyes went panicked for a second before they returned to normal. "My nephew, sir. His stepfather was my half brother."


"He died a few days ago. Since he is still a minor, he has to live with me for a little."

"And his name?"

Natasha didn't look as if she wanted to tell. I can't imagine why, but something bigger than I thought must be going on.

She took a deep breath and said, "Percy Jackson."

I think I counted to one before something happened.

Almost immediately, Fury took out a gun (please tell me it's a tranquilizer) and shot at me. I dodged a bullet (literally) and stared at him.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

"Romanoff, I told you to bring him into custody not Stark's Tower!"

"He's done nothing I'm aware of sir--"

"Agent, he is accused of being a terrorist!"

3rd POV

Silence met his words. No one knew how to respond. Percy stared at him in disbelief while others looked back and forth between the two. Fury was full out glaring at Percy, but he seemed immune to the flinch-worthy glare.

"A what?" Percy asked quietly.

"A terrorist. You blew up many schools and the Saint Louis Arch!! You blew up a school bus and were accused of kidnapping your own mother!!" Fury spoke loudly.

Percy flinched when Fury mentioned his mom. Then his eyes hardened. He was about to say something when Natasha interrupted.

"Please Fury, he's just a boy." Everybody else in the room was still quiet and staring at Percy like he was an alien.

"It's okay Natasha. I can handle myself. For your information, I'm not a terrorist. All of those things that blew up? Wasn't me. I was just there at the wrong time." Percy said calmly but dead serious.

"I don't believe you kid. Who are you working for?!" Fury yelled.


"Fury! Please!!" This time it was Steve that butted into the conversation. Fury ignored him and shot at Percy again. Percy dodged again, barely. That's when all hades broke loose. Natasha bolted towards the director and attempted to tackle him to the ground but he dodged and shot at her with the gun. Turns out it was a tranquilizer gun. Natasha fell to the floor with a dart sticking out of her thigh.

Percy's eyes flashed and he tackled fury to the ground. "You can blame me if stuff all you want, but nobody hurts my family."

The director looked up at Percy. "I will get you, Jackson. You are dangerous, and I can't have you running around Manhattan blowing things up."

He lifted his arm, put the gun against Percy's waist and pulled the trigger. Percy winced and pulled himself off of Fury slowly. He swayed a little, then collapsed. The room was dead silent.

Fury moved to get the boy when Tony, Clint, and Steve stepped in front of him.

"Leave him alone Fury." Tony said.

"I will get him. He's dangerous and shouldn't be trusted." And with that, Fury turned around and left the room.

"Well, that was intense." Leave it to Tony to try and lighten things up.

Hello again everybody. Readingrose2000 here!! I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Samigirl101 and I both worked on this chapter but she wrote more than I did. Please vote, comment, and follow!!

Why does that seem to always happen? We say the other did more when we end it? ~ Sami

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