21 | Supercut

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"I'm someone you maybe might love. I'll be your quiet afternoon crush, be your violent overnight rush, make you crazy over my touch"  - Supercut


Kris isn't back yet, and angry doesn't begin to cover what I'm feeling right now.

Usually, when I throw a temper tantrum and storm off, such as Kris did, I come back, at the most, 3 hours later. Either because I'm hungry or need to take my medicine. More often than not, a second tantrum makes an appearance, but by that time I'm tired and need a nap, so it doesn't last long.

When Kris left, first period had just begun, but now we're well into lunch and she still isn't back yet. She's beating my "Biggest Brat" record, and I don't like it.

Now I have to go get my medicine from the crazy nurse who's trying to put me into a coma, all by myself. because Bella has something to do, Zoë is at home with the flu, and I haven't seen the twins all day today.

Why does everyone always disappear when I actually need them?

Fun fact: Cole is just like Ms. Lauren. No, he's not; he's the exact opposite. He orders the sedative every month. Because our parents tell him to. Why do we have to listen to them; they're not even here half of the time. It's actually 80% of the time, but who's counting.

"Hi Adrianna. How are you today?" Here we go again.

Ever since my little incident with Ms. Lauren, she's had a very terrible case of paranoia; she's always ready for me to have another panic attack. She's been using a terribly condescending voice for every conversation and it is annoying. I'm pretty sure that she keeps a sedative in her back pocket at all times now.

It is an extremely depressing environment.

"Fine," I responded, jumping up onto the bed. She looked more anxious than usual today. Maybe she should try taking a dosage herself.

"Where's Kris?" Ah, that's why. Kris isn't here to make sure that I don't stab you. I guess that means that you shouldn't do or say anything stupid.

I shrugged and pulled out my phone. Still no text.

"Don't know. She threw a fit and left." Which I still can't believe she did. I'm supposed to be the person who can't handle the slightest inconvenience in the group, not her. She isn't even texting me back. I would at least have the decency to text somebody to let them know I wasn't dying or anything. Even if I was in the middle of dying, I'd still probably shoot out a text to somebody to let them know.

Because that's the courteous thing to do.

"Have you tried texting her?" Ms. Lauren offered and I gave her a blank look. I am going to excuse that stupid comment because she doesn't know the current situation at hand.

Not that Kris and I are dating or anything, but I still don't want to seem overly clingy. Even though there's less than a one percent chance that I'm interested in dating her, I still don't want her to think that I depend on her. I know that I'm not an expert in relationships, I've only had one, but I'm pretty sure that texting the other person first is not the "cool" thing to do.

"Kris is a big girl. She can take care of herself." This statement is actually completely false, but she doesn't need to know that.

"Well of course. I'm sure she's fine." Ms. Lauren gave me a cautious look as she handed me medicine, and I rolled my eyes taking it from her. What does she think that I'm going to do? Break her hand? I mean I could totally do that, but that'd be kind of rude and I'd probably get in trouble.

Her eyes never left me as I swallowed the pills and took a few gulps of water. I almost told her to take a picture so that she could stare some more when I left, but I don't want to waste any more time here.

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