October 4th

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Pete rushed towards the mail box.

Brendon has read the letters. He doesn't know how to feel.

Pete hung onto every single one of the person's words. He started to understand the phrase now. It seemed weird at first, but it all makes sense now.


have you ever been so sad?

not that anything happened.

you were just so sad.

because i have.

i've also had those days when i was so happy.

let's focus on those.

"people are leaves, they can't stay forever." - s.y.k.

"What do you mean that's all he wrote?" Brendon was pissed. That didn't seem like a proper letter to him.

To Pete however, it was one of the best letters.

One of something like courage. Something that not many people these days had. Unlike the person's last letter, this one was sadder. Yes while losing your mother is sad, and all the details the person put into it were sad. There was something worse about knowing that this person once in their life was so sad.

That thought it a sad one to think about.

LOL SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT! Don't forget to comment and vote. literally it makes my day. Ilysm.

:) Don't forget to vote ;)

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