October 25th

1.7K 208 15

Do you ever sit and think if I hadn't done this I wouldn't be here.
And I would have this life

Because when you think about it, that's what life is.

It's a serious of choices and without them you wouldn't be you.

And you might have the entire life of someone else.

When Brendon was 16 he met a boy, Ryan, and no one suspected a thing.

But without Ryan, Brendon's life would have been taken years ago.

Ryan saved the other from a car crash.

Well being hit by a car.
A drunk driver.

Made Pete feel sick.


My brother helped me pack up everything I own today.

He's getting a moving truck and I've already bought my plane ticket.

One way ticket out of hell.

And that's so lovely.

I'm going somewhere where people are distant and I'll find my people there and I'll survive.

You'll survive without me right?

We're going to be okay Pete Wentz.

I've seen the future and it's pretty great.

I'm getting out of here.

On my own in the world

"People are leaves, they can't stay forever."- S.Y.k.

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