October 30th

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Do you know that feeling
When everything comes into perspective and it's like you see your life through someone else's eyes.

Pete thought that way, when he looked out the window.

He loved to see the rain.

It washed down the streets, and got stuck on one side of the stupid lopsided sidewalk.

And this was home.

Here with Brendon.

And the occasional Ryan.


We're stuck in hell,
But some of us have the potential to be Angels.

Angels of hell.

We have to claw our way up.

This is the story

Our story.

That night.

We partied.

We got drunk and we stood on the bridge.

I was seeing the best thing of my life and yet you were all I could look off.

Just wanted to look at you.

Love you.

We're best friends.

Under the skyline we fell in love.

We could be in love for one night and hell Pete that was better than nothing.

"People are leaves, they can't stay forever."-S.Y.K."

Love you Please read?

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