October 26th

1.6K 221 5

Pete focuses on nothing.
He just sat and looked at the sky.

The ceiling.

The stars.


But there was no Brendon to answer.

He was out.

And Pete was alone.

Pete walked around downstairs and found wine.

And then vodka.

And all the words were  blurry.


What's your favorite place?

You know it can be anytime.

Any place.

And it could even be a memory.

I thought about mine today.

I just sat and thought about memories.

And I tried to just think.
And be happy.

My favorite place.

Was this dingy cafeteria.

It was seriously gross.

But it was cute.

Well because my brother was there and all my friends.

And my mom and dad were taking us to dinner that night, which never happened.

And for once I wasn't scared and it's funny because in that moment I wasn't myself and it's my favorite.

"People are leaves, they can't stay forever." - s.Y.k.

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