October 6th

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Pete couldn't wait for the mail. It was always an inter battle between do I want it or not.

Brendon walked into the house, his hand holding all the mail.

Pete rushed over to him. "Where's my letter?"

"Be patient. I'll give it to you on one condition."

Pete sighed, it was his letter. Why did there have to be conditions. His letter.

"What is your conditions?"

Brendon thought, he didn't have any conditions in mind but since Pete let it slide.
"Well, you have to buy me pizza and you have to read the letter to me."

"Fine. Now hand it over."

Pete snatched the letter out of Brendon's hands. "Mine." He started reading it.

here we are again. i have stories for you. i could never run out of stories. my life is one big stupid story.

i'm sad again and i don't know why. my brother said that to me. it was a few weeks after my mom died, a week before my dad left.

it wasn't a good day to be honest. it was december, and snow littered the ground.

it was gross. not the weather, but the way the weather felt. it felt like i should have someone to cuddle up with, but i was home alone. everything was sadder when you were home alone, scarier, sadder and of course the all ruling lonelier.

this is one of the moments. my brother came home, his face red and his eyes puffy.

the only words he ever mumbled were "i'm sad again and i don't know why." he was sad, i couldn't fix it. he couldn't blame me. there was no way for him being sad to be my fault.

that was a bad day.
"people are leaves, they can't stay forever"- s.y.k.

The words they were written there became many stages of smudged. It was sad too.

They were tears. There were undeniably tears on that page.

Pete didn't know what hurt worse.

That day was a bad day or the drops of the persons tears.

Maybe they weren't as happy as Pete thought.

No one was ever as happy as they seemed were they. Pete wanted to hug that person. He wanted to lie and tell them that it is okay. It wasn't though. He couldn't console them. He couldn't console the person and they knew that. They both did.

Truth does hurt.

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