October 8th

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Pete sat at the dinner table. He was staring off into space, trying to figure out the person. He was doing everything he could to remember. He wanted to remember the person. The one who said they were somewhere in his memory, left there.

The letter was waiting for him by his door, set there by Brendon.

"Thanks Brendon."

dear pete

i don't wanna be alone anymore.



i'm drowning.

not literally, but my thoughts.

make them stop killing me.

they rip at my throat.

their hands rip at my throat.

it's my hands.

they're covered in blood now.

no voice to scream from the pain.

no voice to scream to fill the noise.

quiet falls across the room.

the boy laid dead.

his hands bloody.

no voice to speak about his untimely death.

no soft laugh anymore.

the boy is me.


The boy's words were haunting poetry.

They had not even stated the quote.

And a piece of Pete was scared.

Was this the end?

Ah Please vote. Love you all!

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