October 22nd

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Pete laid in bed and counted stars.

He loved the stars on his ceiling.

He never had to go outside to enjoy his favorite thing.

His new favorite thing.

He used to love things like alcohol.

It's clear where that got him.

"I'm going to be okay too."

You and I are stars.

The stars? They're forever young.

So are we.


Who was I just three weeks ago?

I know I'm not the same boy I was.

It's crazy to think.

I got help.

People helped me, and you know what?

It's sort of this type of interaction to blame.

I figured; all the sad people write poetry.

I've never been keen on writing poetry though, mine was terrible.

Although, this...

It's my poetry now.

And I needed this outbreak of all my emotions.

I needed to get away from them all.

And somehow writing them?

It made me feel better.

Realize I needed help.

I have help now.

You got help, yes? 

It's a hard thing to admit you need, as humans we're cocky and believe we don't need help, but we do.

We so do.

Cause we are all a little screwed up inside.

"People are leaves, they can't stay forever."

A/n:Wow What even is this story anymore?

I don't know, trash seems appropriate though.

Please vote? Love you all ;)


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