October 29th

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Brendon pulled away from his "just friend" Ryan and turned to Pete.

"Hey dude, so me and ryro already got costumes."


"C'mon it'll be fun"


And Pete sighed he didn't wanna leave but he also loved spending time with Brendon and he always loved seeing Brendon happy.

And nothing made him happier than Halloween, except maybe Ryan.

They got home and Pete immediately grabbed the letter.

It's almost Halloween.

And I mostly say that because I was at a park today

and a little girl wore this cute Halloween costume.

And I think I saw good in the world again.

And that was it.

I love parks.

I love parks at night especially

When you look at the stars it's like you can feel something deep inside you.

And it's fuzzy and warm like hugs from the grass underneath you and you flop onto the ground and soon the only thing that matters is this star.

And that's what matters.

The stars.

The grass and the bright glow of headlights and street lamps out in the distance.

That's the best feeling.

"People are leaves, they can't stay forever."-s.y.k.

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