October 13th

2K 263 111


Four letters.

One call,

of extreme,




Bittersweet tragedies.

Smokey figures.






Pete woke up heavily breathing and drenched in sweat.

Each breath burned at the back of his lungs.

He remember something else.


That was a new one.

He was drinking that night.

The memories.

They were all he had.

Pete still couldn't believe someone let him

drink through all of his memories.

The alcohol ruined him though.

His body.

His hands.

His mind.

The mind though,

it was most affected.

His nervous system.

His hands shook constantly.

Cigarettes were the only thing they tried

to hold.

Actually tried.

Pete grabbed the letter that afternoon.

dear pete

this sounds too formal at this point.

i miss the pete...

do you like the stars?

i personally love them.

everyone can sense them.

whether they can see them or not.

they complete the night.

and they are what i wish to see on the cloudy nights when i miss you most.

miss you most.

you are my favorite person to miss.

out of them all.

maybe my mom too.

she was a lovely person.

did you ever get help?

yeah you did.

i did too.

i needed it that time.

that time.

do you hug people?

do you tell them how special they are?

they could be gone so easily.

people slip through your fingers.

like a night ends.

the perfect night.

our night.

no matter how much you push it off.

the morning will come.

do you remember being young and staying up til the early hours of the morning and feeling accomplished?

i do.

i hate those memories now.

challenging to see who could stay up later.

it caused problems.

wished i could've told myself then.

he could've used the information.

i'm a sleep deprived energy addict.

that's who i am now.

fact one.

i wanna tell you something about that night.

we didn't sleep together.

i know that's probably a thought you've had.

it didn't happen.

i wish it did.

that would've been a tale.

i slept with the famous pete wentz and all i got was a drunk memory.

i wasn't drunk though.

it was you.

you were sad.

i'm sorry.

you said.

you cried in my arms.

"people are leaves, they can't stay forever" - s.y.k.

Vote love you ;)

To people who leave: {petekey} (editing)Where stories live. Discover now