October 28th

1.6K 206 41

There was always one thing that calmed the boy.

He was scared and the other leaving terrified him.

Even Brendon going out scared him.

He would lay on his bed and breath.

But there was this one thing.

Sometimes when he was lonely he would walk to Brendon's room and cuddle in his blankets and just for once feel okay.

He could feel okay for a few moments and that was all the boy really needed.

And laying there put things in perspective.

Brendon's room was this dark royal blue, that gave off this calming vibe.

And those kinds of vibes were his favorite.

And as weird as it sounded, he liked the smell of Brendon.

And it was because they lived together for so long but the smell was faint now.

And it took a lot to get it back.

I'm going to a university

I have plans after this place

And I'm going to be okay.

They say that collage is diverse.

I can meet people.

More people.

People who wanna lay in the flowers with me and we'll be okay.

And for today.

"People are flowers, sometimes they wither too."-s.y.k.

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