Chapter 13

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(Jose, Isaiah, & Isabella)

(Few Months Later)
Jose & the kids moved in a apartment that has enough rooms & space for the kids. Jose still hasn't forgave YG for his actions he only lets him see his kids and that's it. YG's side chick Chantel is also now 6 months pregnant with a little boy YG is excited and also hurt because he got another girl pregnant and it's all his fault he lost his family & his queen his R.O.D and he can never get her back. But YG is gonna try everything is his power to get Jose back so they can be a family again. YG still lives in the house and sleeps in the bed hopping that Jose would come back and love him again. While Jose is still hurt and now she's pregnant with Yg's baby made him even more pissed off Jose wish he could forgive him and love him again but he can't do it Jose only lets him see his kids and that's it nothing else.

YG Pov
Me & Chantel were at the doctor so she could check up on the baby that she's having "your baby looks healthy I will see you again next month" the doctor said and she left "thank you" we both said and left "baby aren't you happy about our baby I'm thinking about naming him after you" Chantel said happily "that would be nice" I said looking at her then the road "baby what's wrong you been quiet all morning" she said rubbing my hand "nothing I just miss my kids & Jose" "oh well you'll get over it trust me you have me and your son that's almost here ok" she said smiling I just looked at road my heart is hurting not holding Jose and touching making him smile and protecting him.

Jose Pov.
Isaiah is now 6 months and starting to talk a little and he's walking now and Isabella is 2 now she still asks about Keenon sometimes even Isaiah asks about his daddy too. I wish I had an answer for them but there just to young to understand. Keenon is supposed to come over after Chantel appointment I guess I could talk to Keenon for a little bit. "Isabella pick up these toys before your dad comes" I said to her while putting on Isaiah clothes since he didn't want to wear a shirt today "mama stop" he said slapping my hand "Isaiah you better stop and put your shirt on" I said I'm not playing with him. I heard a knock on the door and answered it it was Keenon and Chantel I'm even more irritated now. "Hey Jose" Keenon said to me "hey" I said not looking at him "Chantel wanted to come to see the kids is that all right" "yea sure" I said annoyed "you have a umm nice apartment here Jose me & Keenon were thinking about getting a nice house with a pool and everything" Chantel said looking at me. YG was with the kids playing with them while Chantel wanted to talk to me "how's the baby" I asked "he's fine were gonna name him after Keenon so he can have a son named after him" "Keenon already had a son named after him" "I know Jose but at least my son won't die in my stomach unlike yours" she said laughing in my face I just started crying that day was the most painful day of my life and I don't ever wanna talk about it again. I just got so angry that I started to curse her out and make her & Yg leave my house and not to ever come back again.

Thug & His Boyfriend (Jose Ayala x YG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora