Chapter 20

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They finally arrived at the counseling office and checked in with the receptionist "appointment for Keenon & Jose" Jose said "ok you can go right to her office she's waiting for you "ok thank you" Jose side and they walked in and sat on the couch "hello Jose and Keenon I'm Mrs. Kingston your therapist can you tell me a little something about yourself" "well umm I'm Jose I have 3 beautiful kids but one of them passed away and this is my husband YG we been together ever since Highschool" "ok and Keenon" "I'm Keenon but I go by YG I have 3 kids with this lovely beauty right beside me" he said smiling "ok so what's seems to be the problem Jose would you like to go first" "sure we'll it started when I was pregnant with Isaiah my little boy when Lennon started to stay out late with the boys and everything I was fine with it but it was like on a regular even after I had my son he was still staying out late and it was just me and the kids by ourselves... When one day I called his phone and a girl answered and that's when I found out that he was cheating on me and it really hurt me" Jose said tearing up "and Keenon how did you feel when Jose found out" "I felt bad,stupid, loser, bad father and husband Jose is my everything I would never hurt him but I made a stupid mistake and I-I wish I could change it and wish I never met her" "Jose it seems like Keenon really shows that he's sorry could you forgive him" "I can but I'm afraid if I let him in again that I'm gonna get hurt again and I don't want that for me and the kids the kids need their father I need my husband to be their for me comfort me please me be strong for me always be there for me and his kids" Jose said looking at YG tearing up "Keenon do you think that you could do that" "yes of course my family is my everything I would never hurt them I just wanna gain his trust back and let me show him that I've changed" Keenon said.

Later on the day...
Jose and Keenon pick up Isabelle and Isaiah got food and headed home Isabelle was in her room while Isaiah was cranky and Jose put him to sleep. "Jose I wanna gain your trust again" YG said "YG I-I ummm I'm gonna let you in and let you gain my trust again ok I just don't wanna get hurt anymore" "I won't baby I promise you I won't hurt you ever again I won't lie to you I'm gonna be there for you and the kids I promise" YG said looking at me "ok" I said looking back at him

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