Do I Have To?!?!?

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Tsuna's P.O.V
I feel weak and I hate it and the worst part is Hibari's

taking care of me!! Now don't get me wrong Hibari's

great and all but he is super strict about my health so

now when they force me to eat he stares at me!So today

when I was about to push my food away Hibari entered

and said "what are you doing herbivore?" " I'm not

hungry Hibari" " I don't care your eating " " do I have

to" " YES" "no" "hn fine, Gokudera Asari Knuckle Alaude

Dameon come here NOW" one by one they leisurely

walked in " what" Alaude said while Daemon noded.

"What's up "Gokudera said. " ya what's up TO THE

LIMIT" " what's up " Asari said kindly "Decimo isn't

eating"" JUDAIME " Gokudera screeched "Yes" Tsuna

replied calmly not reacting to the glares Alaude and

Daemon were sending him. Asari spoke up "I have a

plan" he whispered something to the guardians then all of the sudden he was pinned to the bed "seriously "

Tsuna screeched . "Yes Giotto said you have to be take

n care of TO THE LIMIT " Knuckle roared. Soon they had

all his food forced down his throat. "Great now I feel like

I'm gunna throw up"Tsuna slured obviously not used to

all the food he had to eat. He sprang up and ran to the

bathroom and all the guardians could hear was his

retching " see I told you his body wouldn't be able to

take in all that food" knuckle stated Hibari came in and

picked up the fragile sky and layed his passed out form

on the bed. Knuckled checked him over and announced

"his fever is going down and as long as he eats right he

should be up and about in like 2 days" "Asari inform

Giotto of his condition " Dameon ordered Asari nodded

and left.

Hope you like it so Tsuna will most likely be up on his feet by next chapy hope you enjoyed,peace out.


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