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Little Hibari and Mukuro weren't to happy about there current state not happy at all. Being who they are they both came up with a little scheme inside there tiny minds. Starting the plan,they snuck into Tsuna's room while he was sleepinhlg because he is still weak from being not fully recovered they cropped around the room intell they came across Tsuna's revolver and special toddler bullets. After they retrieved the items they needed they slowly found there way back into the hall and ran to there rooms. They sat down and discussed there plan soon all they had to do is wait. Mukuro sat silently thinking 'You just wait Tsuna in 2 hours when were fully frown you will feel are pain' Mukuro's version of pain is being called adorable and being put in dare he say it 'cute' outfits. What they didn't know was what the side affects would do to there kind hearted boss.

* 2 hours later*
Giotto Tsuna and Asari were talking in the living room what they didn't know was Mukuro was at the top of the stairs preparing to turn Tsuna into a toddler and Hibari was watching. BANG Mukuro fired his revolver and got Tsuna in the back all you could see was a pile of clothes and a baby wailing. Giotto screamed and ran over to the clothes and picked up a baby Tsuna. He was the cutest thing ever he had big honey brown eyes and soft gravity defying hair. Giotto just sat there staring at the baby and started poking his chubby cheeks *poke* *poke* "Giotto" *poke* "Giotto" *poke* "Stop" yelled Asari grabbing the child." he is so cute" yelled Giotto."it seams someone shot him with the revolver he used on his gaurdians" said Asari rocking the now sleeping Tsuna. "G come down here and get Gokudera and Chrome please" yelled Giotto. Soon they arrived and Gokudera said "Judaime" and grabbed him the baby giggled. "Why is he acting like a toddler to?" G asked "its because he was in such a weak state that's what the side affect is so now are boss is a baby and he has a mind of a baby for the next week" yelled Gokudera. Tsuna started to cry do to the noise and started running away intell he ran into Alaude.He looked up at Alaude and said "up" while reaching his hands up. Alaude picked him up gently and tickled him and rocked him intell he was asleep. "Why is Decimo in such a state" "he got shot with the toddler gun and his mind also reverted to a 3 year Olds"explained Asari still shocked by Alaudes actions. "Oh" he said cradling Tsuna. Tsuna clutched his suit and rubbed his face on Alaudes chest 'oh this is going to be a long week'. Thought Gokudera.

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