Current Vongola

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OMG GUYS I JUST RELISED THIS BOOK HAS OVER 5 K READS. Really though thanks, it means a lot considering my writing is mediocre and thanks to tsukenyoshi_27 and yakumo for their support its appreciated now on with the long awaited update!

Warning! For Tsu-kun's slight potty mouth!

As Tsuna and Giotto arrived in they past they were in the entrance hall to the current Vongola mansion. Giotto was stunned, just stunned.

The mansion was even grander than his! Though, the mansion still did keep some of the old designs and Giotto was absorbing in his surroundings like a sponge. Tsuna just chuckled and said "Giotto-sama, if you keep your mouth open like that your sure to catch unwanted fly's"

Giotto puffed his cheeks and pouted with a small blush on his cheeks like a little kid who just got scolded.

"We best get going to my office if we want to get things settled" said a amused Tsuna

Giotto nodded as he was nodded as he was led down a long hall with all the Vongola bosses on the walls it started with a very kind and lovable looking Tsuna and ended with Giotto. Seeing his picture actually freaked Giotto out a bit.

Giotto, also took notice that this hall and the giant grand doors of the office was the same as Giotto currently had.

When they entered the office Tsuna sweat dropped and tick marks appeared above his head, while Giotto just snickered at the amount of paper work currently resting on Tsuna's desk. Tsuna glared at him which shut him up.

Tsuna sighed and looked through some of it when he relised that the Varia had caused this all.

"Im gonna kick Xanxus's (sp?) ass when I see him" Tsuna said but he quickly composed him self .

"Well why don't I lead you to your room?" said Tsuna smiling kindly, Giotto returned the smile and he was lead down winding hallways and when they made it to the room he was astounded at its elegance.

"If you need anything my room is right across the hall from here" said Tsuna "in the mean time feel free to wander dinner is in two hours" said Tsuna exiting the room back to his office. Tsuna shuddered remembering Reborn would most likely have been informed he was here and that he would make an appearance at dinner. He sighed, and decided to enjoy what little peace he had while doing paperwork.

Hint for next chapter:

Giotto wonders?!?! Oh no! He comes across some...interesting things! Reborn makes his appearance! Oh joy, well good luck Tsu-kun Giotto-sama!

Hey hey hey just to let you know I plan on updating this in 2 or 3 days maybe sooner so look forward to that sorry for that late updates!


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