Can you really see who I am? On the inside?

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The guardians all rushed to his side, yes even a certain birdy and illusionist.

"Damn it, he's burning up!" Yelled an infuriated Gokudera.

"Why didn't we notice?" Whispered Yamamoto

"Probably you've all been too busy fighting each other!!" Screamed Chrome. All the guardians were shocked at the quiet girls outburst.

They all looked down in shame relising she was right. They were to caught up in there own quarreling to even notice he wasn't doing to well. Whith out a word Ryohei picked up Decimo and took him to his room with the other guardians trailing behind him. Ryohei healed him as much as he could with out making his fever worse with his flames when he was properly taken care of the guardians all went to the meeting room were they knew Reborn was just waiting there to scold them.

They entered the room silent there was a tall man in an expensive looking suit and Fedora standing in the center of the room. Ever since they broke the arcabelano curse Reborn and the others had retained their normal height.

Reborn-"You idiots"

Mukuro-"we know what we did we don't need the lecture"

Reborn-"You may know what you did but do you know the extent of it?"

Lambo-"Tsu-nii got really sick"

Rebron-"yes because of"

Gokudera-"Judaime over worked himself"

Reborn-"and why was that"

Yamamoto-"we caused damage which added more paperwork to his work load..."


Ryohei-"we extremely ignored Sawada"

Reborn-"And how do you think my dame-student took that"

Kyoya-"The omnivore probably felt he wasn't doing enough for us"

Reborn-"good so if you knew this would be his response why did you do it"

Mukuro-"we annoy each other"

Reborn-"okay, well I don't fucking care he is your damn boss YOUR SKY push aside your god damned annoyance for each other for him or does he mean so little to you"

Gokudera-*slams hand down on table*"you know damn well we would give anything for Tsuna"

Reborn-*growls*"then act like it"

And with that the world's greatest hitman left the room.

Lambo was crying with Yamamoto and Chrome trying to calm him while the rest were thinking. They finally went to Tsunas room to find him crying.


With that the young boss looked up sniffed and wiped his tears.

"Minna-san what's up"

And with that all of the guardians excluding a certain skylark and mist ran up to him and hugged him apologizing profusely.

To this Tsuna just smiled and said "ne~were family after all so it's okay"

This brought tears to everyone but a certain two but they both gave in and hugged the brunet. Said brunet was surprised but smiled nonetheless.

"I love you minna-san~"

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