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Beca was standing by the Cereals shelf at the supermarket, trying to decide which one to take. There were some brands she'd never heard of before. Must be some fancy LA thing. She thought. With a sigh she decided to take the honey cereals, only because the bear on the box was funny. Putting it in the cart she was about to walk on, but instead she froze. No way.
Just around the corner of the Cereals shelf she saw a redhead. Not only one redhead but Chloe Beale. It didn't take more than a few seconds for Chloe to see Beca as well, and the glass bottle she had in her hand crashed on the floor at her feet. Then she turned around and ran away.
Beca couldn't move, she didn't know how long she had been standing there. The only thing she could see was the broken glass combined with terrified blue eyes. The only thing she could think of was: That's how her heart must look like. And it's my fault.


One year ago...

"Congratulations to the graduated students of Barden University!" Someone exclaimed, earning happy cheers from the slightly drunk audience. It was the graduation party and all the Bellas were there, also Aubrey, who joined them to celebrate their graduation and their World Championship. She was actually looking for Chloe but couldn't find her anywhere.

The redhead wasn't far. She was near the pool looking for Beca with a drink in her hand, but she actually hadn't drunk much. What she had to do was important and she wanted to be sober. Many people stopped her in the way, Chloe was very outgoing and knew a lot of people. But she didn't have time for them. Finally, there you are!

"Hey Becs! Can we talk for a sec?" Chloe asked her friend, trying to stay calm. She couldn't believe that she, Chloe Beale, was finally going to confess her feelings to Beca Mitchell, the woman she had been in love with ever since they met. Maybe she had waited too long. Their friendship was just so true and beautiful... Chloe didn't want to ruin it. But this was the right time. The Bellas she considered her family were graduating, every girl was following their own path... it was now or never.

"Sure, Chlo" Beca answered. The redhead only nodded with a tiny smile and guided the brunette by the hand to a better place.

Chloe stopped by a bush. It was a nice place because nobody was close enough to hear their conversation. Nobody sober enough to follow it anyway.

"So what's up?" Beca asked, curious.

"Beca..." Chloe started with a sigh. It's now or never. "After we won in Copenhagen an elegant man approached me... his name is Mathew Howards..."

"What!? THE Mathew Howards? Don't tell me he..."

"Yes. He offered me a job in his company. He told me he heard about my teaching plans, and being the co-captain of the Bellas I would be the best woman for the job. I actually think Aubrey had something to do with it, even if she won't tell me..."

"Wow! Chloe that's amazing!" Beca exclaimed, hugging her friend tightly. Chloe enjoyed that moment with her eyes closed before she pulled back and got ready for the hard part.

"The job is in L.A. I'll have to coach the kids for their mini-Broadway program. I didn't say yes though..." She looked at her feet.

"What? Why?"

"I have to give an answer tomorrow. I just..." Chloe fixed her eyes with Beca's "I just want to know first if you will go to L.A. too"

"Well um... actually I won't go yet because right now I have a big opportunity here with this music producer I'm working for... But why?" Beca answered, confused.

"Because maybe if things go like I hope they will, I should stay here with you" Before Beca could say anything she continued "I love you, Beca. I'm in love with you, and gosh I think I've been in love with you ever since your audition!"

Beca froze, her hands sweating, her heart racing, her eyes widening. She only managed to mumble "All this time?"

"Yes, Becs. I've been keeping it to myself because you're with Jesse and well... our friendship is so true and amazing... I didn't want to ruin that." Chloe said, her hand reaching Beca's shoulder in comfort accompanied with a shy smile. Phew, it's finally done. Now she'll understand and everything will be ok again. In the worst of options, we'll just stay best friends.

Suddenly Beca reacted, shaking off Chloe's hand and looking at her with anger. The redhead's smile faded and her eyes filled with tears that started falling down her cheeks when Beca spoke.

"Well you just ruined it." The brunette snapped. She was slightly drunk so the words came out after thinking too little. She didn't care, she was angry. "What did you expect now? I mean, you've been laughing behind my back all these years! I thought we were friends, you made me believe that!" Her volume was getting louder.

"We are! We are best friends Beca..." Chloe whispered with a shaky voice.

"We are not, no!" Beca cut her off, and her words were really loud.

Some people turned to look at them, but Chloe didn't see that. She just looked at Beca and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. The next thing she remembers is running away, as far away from Beca as possible, trying to quiet the echo of the painful words inside her head. How can I be so stupid! How can I be so stupid! She thought, not really watching where she was going. Suddenly she felt arms around her and smelled Aubrey's perfume.

"Chloe! Chloe, what's wrong? Sweetie, look at me, hey!"

When Chloe looked her in the eyes, Aubrey knew. Without thinking twice, she walked Chloe to her car and drove in silence. For half an hour Chloe cried on the couch in Aubrey's apartment, while the blonde stroke her hair softly. Exhausted and broken as she was, the redhead passed out shortly after 2 am. Knowing that she would sleep deeply, Aubrey covered Chloe with a blanket and kissed her forehead. She had somewhere to go.


Beca walked in her room at 6 am. feeling the worst hangover ever. After what happened with Chloe she furiously grabbed any drink at her reach, until she passed out near the pool, next to Amy and Stacie.

"What the..." She mumbled, seeing her mattress was on the floor, her sheets cut in pieces, and her laptop... Her laptop was on her desk, but it could hardly be called a laptop. It was pieces of a laptop. And on top of it there was a note. She slowly walked towards it and read the quick handwriting:

"You broke my best friend's heart. How dare you? I hope yours will break too when you realize what you've done. Aubrey."


One year later (Present time)

Aubrey heard the door slam and running footsteps coming in the apartment.

"Chlo?" She asked from her bedroom, where she was doing some paperwork. "Chloe are you back already? That was fast, are you ok?" She was leaving the room while talking, and stopped for a second to see a new text on her phone:

Aubrey it's Beca, I'm in LA. I need to make things right with Chloe, please.

"Shit." Aubrey said, running to the living room to comfort her best friend.

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