I saw the sign

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And there is letter number 6... she's kept it for a couple of days now... No, Chloe! Damn. In the trash again. Aubrey sighed, walking in the kitchen.

"Another letter?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Yes. It's been a week and she keeps sending me letters." Chloe replied, annoyed. But there was something else...

"You've kept that one for a couple of days..."

"You noticed?" Chloe adopted the same attitude a little girl shows when she has been caught drawing on the walls.

Aubrey smirked. There she was, her old best friend. She walked towards the counter, next to Chloe, and started getting things ready to cook dinner.

"So... it is like a mystery." She said innocently.

"What is?" Said Chloe, crossing her arms and looking at Aubrey.

"This whole thing with the letters..." Aubrey pretended to be concentrated on the vegetables. "I don't know, I wonder what she wrote... don't you?" A short glance to her best friend told her she nailed it. Chloe was biting her lip absently. Of course she wondered what the letters said. That ginger was curious by nature.

"So you want lettuce and tomato in the salad only?" Aubrey decided to change subject and let it sink in.


Beca was driving back to her apartment, tired after a long day of work. She loved her job in LA, it was everything she had ever dreamed of. She was just... feeling lonely. The lyrics on the radio caught her attention.

'I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do, but I continue learning. I never meant to do those things to you...'

Beca sighed. She was thinking again about Chloe. Beca had been trying to reach her with a letter for two weeks now, without success. Well she only sent letters the first week, 6 letters so far. Aubrey said she saw a sign in Chloe so Beca should delay letter number 7 one more week.

'I'm sorry that I hurt you, it's something I must live with everyday...'

Beca sang the lyrics softly as she parked the car, then kept humming the song as she walked in and dropped the keys on the table. She checked the time, it was 7pm, and decided to take a shower. A long, warm, slow shower. In fact, Beca didn't care if she stayed in the shower forever. At least nobody would bother her in there... dammit. Again Chloe in her head.

The doorbell buzzed an hour later and Beca left her laptop on the table to open the door. It wasn't a surprise to find Aubrey standing there.

"Hey Aubrey." Beca said, stepping to the side so the blonde could come in.

"Hey Beca." Aubrey replied as she walked in. "Do you have the letter?"

"Yeah it's right here." Beca grabbed an envelope from the table and handed it to Aubrey.

"Good. I think this is the one, Beca. You just wait now." Aubrey walked outside again and showed a reassuring smile before walking away.

Beca nodded and closed the door. She wasn't so certain about that.


Chloe opened her eyes next morning and yawned. There was nothing more boring than a Thursday morning. She rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed letting out a sigh. In fact Chloe felt frustrated. She had been waiting for another letter, yes actually WAITING for it. But just when she starts feeling curious about what the letters say, they stop coming. She pushed the covers with a groan and let her feet find the slippers.

"Ouch!" She hissed, rubbing her right foot. There was something pointy inside the hairy slippers. It was an envelope.

Chloe's face lit up, against her will. A relieved happy smile formed on her lips when she read the familiar From Beca to Chloe on it.

"Bree! Did you put this inside my monstrippers?" The redhead asked, walking in the kitchen.

"If you mean your favorite slippers that look like ugly purple monsters... yes." Aubrey answered with a smile, handing Chloe her mug with coffee. Seeing her friend's inquisitive eyes, she added "I found it in the mailbox after my early running routine. Will you open this one?"

Chloe didn't answer. Her eyes went back to the letter in her hand. Her thumb caressed the names on it and then she closed her eyes and opened the envelope.

"Please stay, Bree." She said when Aubrey had started to walk out of the kitchen. The blonde nodded with a smile and stood by the counter.

Chloe turned her attention to the letter and read in silence.

Dear Chloe,

This is one more letter for you. I wrote the same in all of them hoping that someday you want to hear from me again.

I'm sorry. I know it's not enough, I know I screwed up big time. I wish that I could take away all the pain I put you through. I wish that I could hug you again. When you hugged me Chloe, I felt at home. No one could understand me better than you did. You were the best friend I've ever had. You were always there for me but when you needed me I wasn't there for you. I want to fix that, I want to change things and bring you back again. Maybe if you read this letter I still have a chance. I miss you so very much.

Sincerely, Beca.

Chloe brought her hand to her mouth and concentrated. Three counts in, hold. Let it go.
Her eyes filled with tears and she left the letter on the table as her arms opened to receive Aubrey. Her best friend hugged her tightly and comfortingly until her sobs drifted away. The blonde pulled back then, scanning Chloe's face concerned.

"I'm ok Bree." Chloe whispered with a smile. A lonely tear was still falling down her cheek. "She wrote this letter and... she is such a dork with feelings, I bet she spent a week writing it." Both friends giggled.

"So what will you do now?" Aubrey asked, sitting next to the redhead.

Chloe didn't answer right away. She took the time to read the letter again before she spoke.

"I don't know... I'll think about it."

"Good. Now drink up your coffee! It's cleaning day today." Aubrey said with a wink, making Chloe groan.


"It's 3am. on a Thursday night, who the hell is texting?" Beca mumbled to herself rolling on the bed to grab her phone from the night table. She opened the new text message and sat up suddenly on the bed, eyes wide open.

Turns out I never deleted your number. I miss you so very much too. Chloe.

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