After the kiss

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The kiss didn't last more than 3 seconds, but it was enough for Beca's heart to send a big bright signal to her brain saying 'YES THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY'. Chloe pulled away first, gently. Her breathing was accelerated and her eyes showed a bit of confusion.

"Beca what... what are you doing?" Chloe managed to whisper. Her hand was still holding Beca's arm and they were standing very close.

"I just..." Beca didn't know what to say, Chloe looked upset or confused or something Beca couldn't really put a name on. Yet they were standing so close and Beca was dying to kiss her again. She wouldn't dare trying right now though.

"Beca listen I-" Chloe interrupted herself. She shook her head and turned to walk away. Beca reached out for her wrist and could stop her.

"Chlo, please. Don't run away again?" Beca asked gently.

Chloe faced the brunette and used her softest tone to say, "Don't worry, I just need some air" adding a shy smile to it.

Beca smiled softly and let the redhead go.


Chloe was walking farther and farther away from Beca's apartment without realizing. She had instinctively called her best friend. Aubrey has always been there for her and she was the only one who could help clearing her head. The blonde had heard what Chloe told about feeling so comfortable in Beca's bed and everything the brunette had been doing to help Chloe. She was honestly impressed about the results. Now the scared Chloe was walking down the streets alone with no trace of her previous panic attacks and angst. Aubrey had the feeling that her best friend had an important reason to call this time too, and she smirked while hearing the nervous tone on Chloe's voice.

Then Chloe sat somewhere in a sunny park and told Aubrey about the kiss that had happened just a few minutes ago. The blonde squealed in excitement.

"Finally! That slow Hobbit made a move in less than a year..." Aubrey said.

Chloe remained silent and her best friend felt slightly guilty.

"What's wrong, Chlo? Isn't this what you have been waiting for ages?" Aubrey tried.

Still silence from Chloe's side. Aubrey sighed. They were best friends for a reason.

"Ok, I can understand if you think she feels pity or guilt or something like that. But Chlo, I could see her toner for you. I think she loves you"

Chloe sighed loudly and that told Aubrey she had put her finger on the redhead's worries. Chloe still had doubts and wouldn't like to rush things because she knows just how it hurts when one person is all aboard the ship and the other is still on the shore. And the ship starts moving. And the other person just stands there looking with wide eyes. And the first person, who is on the ship can't jump and swim back because there are sharks. Yes Chloe knows exactly how that feels and she would never ever want to feel that again.

On the other hand though, that kiss woke her butterflies once again and sent one of them straight to her brain with a message: 'YES THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY'. Chloe knew this and a part of her wanted to just jump to it and let go. But that was her impulsive, innocent part. The part that would be broken to pieces. Being in love with Beca was no news for her, she was used to being in love with the brunette. Her love never disappeared, even though she tried hard. It just doesn't work like that. It seemed to be working when she just grabbed Beca and moved her from the 'lover' shelf to the 'friend' shelf in her heart. But that damn thing moved back to its original place every night, when Chloe fell asleep in Beca's arms.

What's new is Beca actually feeling the same for her. Chloe was in denial but there was some proof in her memories from the past weeks. Sighing loudly again the redhead said thank you and goodbye to her best friend, then saved the phone inside her pocket. It was hard to make a decision on what to do next.


"But... what if she slaps me?" Beca said, worried.

"Just kiss her again, Beca!" Aubrey replied to the screen of her laptop, frustrated. "You need to show her you really are in love and you weren't just feeling guilty or whatever."

Beca ran her hand through her hair nervously and moved on her chair. Her eyes left the screen for a moment.

"Is that necessary!?" She asked Amy, who was holding a camera.

"You never know when evidence for a bet is going to show up!" Amy defended herself.

Beca huffed and returned her attention to Aubrey, who looked confused after hearing Amy's words.

"Fine I will just plan something big, something romantic..." Beca started, and then stopped herself and blushed seeing Aubrey smirk.

"Oh! That might work" The blonde said. "Don't worry, she was taking some fresh air near your place, she'll be back soon. Remember my threat is still running, Mitchell!" Aubrey said, and logged off Skype.

Beca smiled sheepishly and worked on her music for a while. Then she spent time with Amy, remembering old times. Everything was being saved in the camera of course. Later they watched some tv and it got dark... No sign of Chloe.

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