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"Hmmm This is so good!" Beca said with her mouth full of apple pie after a bite, when she saw her friend opening her eyes.

Chloe chuckled from the bed where she had been sleeping.

"Good morning, you! Slept ok?" Beca asked smiling brightly causing Chloe to smile back.

The redhead turned on her back and looked at the ceiling. All the memories from the previous night came back, some of them blurry. She could feel Beca's eyes on her and after a few seconds she sat up.

"How many slices of my apple pie did you eat already?" Chloe asked raising an eyebrow.

Beca quickly put the last piece of pie in her mouth and showed three fingers to Chloe accompanied with an innocent face. They laughed and Beca almost choked, which made them laugh even more.

"Ugh my head"

"Yeah Chlo, you drank a bit too much"

"Hey but... where did you sleep?" Chloe was looking around for any sign of Beca sharing the bed with her the previous night.

"On the couch" the brunette winked, and offered a slice of apple pie to Chloe.

The redhead took a bite of the pie and tapped on the bed next to her so Beca would sit there. They shared a moment of silence taking in the feeling of their legs touching and then Chloe took the courage to look at Beca. She found those dark blue eyes looking right at hers, they were closer than she had thought. Chloe's heartbeat accelerated. Her feelings were woken up once again and they were craving for contact. Her eyes left Beca's only to find her lips. And they were getting closer. Chloe looked back at Beca's eyes but they were already closed as she was leaning forward. Their noses touch and time seems to stop. The redhead couldn't handle the hurricane of emotions and jumped off the bed mumbling she needs a pill for the head.

Half day passed and Chloe was still in Beca's apartment, acting like nothing happened but she couldn't stay quiet. First she walked around paying attention to every detail, every decoration (even though there weren't many) Then curiosity won once again and she opened the cupboard and the fridge checking inside. Beca just sat on the couch pretending to watch tv but the truth is she wasn't really paying much attention to it. The brunette was feeling really happy and excited to have Chloe again not only in her life but also in her house. Beca didn't want this to end and she was willing to keep an eye on Chloe all the time just in case the redhead would feel homesick or something. In that moment Beca was just about to go and look for Chloe because it had been a while without seeing her in the living room, but before she could move the redhead walked in with the phone in her hand and a worried face.

"It was Aubrey..." Chloe said. "She left to take care of some business at the retreat... Who's going to come with me tomorrow? I start work again..." She was visibly insecure and upset in front of this unexpected situation.

"I can go with you" Beca said, getting up and walking towards Chloe. She decided to stop at a safe distance. "You can stay here tonight... if you want to of course... and I can drive you to work tomorrow?" Beca's smile was full of kindness and Chloe nodded with a shy smile feeling surprisingly calm. Then the brunette slapped her own forehead remembering her car was still at the bar.


Sasha wouldn't stop talking. She was telling Beca how she personaly made sure to keep her car safe last night and repeat how awesome it had been to meet her and Chloe. Sasha was weird, and Beca liked weird so she let her talk. Her mind traveled somewhere else more than once though, and came back to catch up on the conversation often. Eventually she connected with the conversation but her new friend had already stopped talking, so the girls said their goodbyes and drove to Chloe's apartment.

The redhead was visibly calmer there and she sang to herself while packing some of her clothes and things. Beca made sure she would laugh once every few minutes making weird faces or lipsyncing to the toothbrush. Beca couldn't believe how much she changed when she was around Chloe. The badass shield was gone and her vulnerable part came out naturally, without any limits. Because there was no need for that with Chloe. These thoughts filled the brunette with joy and she was certain, more than ever, that this was the place where she belonged. Next to Chloe. Forever.

"What would you like to eat?" Beca asked while driving away from the apartment.

Chloe raised an eyebrow, "Do you cook?"

"As I said yesterday... or maybe you don't remember..." This earned Beca a punch on her arm. "Ouch you'll cause an accident, Beale! Dangerous woman" She made Chloe chuckle again. Oh how much she loved doing that. "As I said yesterday, I follow the instructions on the packages of food. AND I can make sauce" Beca showed off her proud look and smirk.

"Ok then, let's go with pasta. Easy one so you don't burn the house. Bealieve me, that's not funny when the smoke starts creeping in..."

"What? You almost burnt the house once?" Beca was surprised and amused.

"Oh long story..." Chloe said letting it drift and looking out the window. Beca understood the meaning of that, the conversation was finished, and they enjoyed a comfortable silence the rest of the way.

2 hours later they were sitting at the little table in Beca's house eating 'The Beca's delicatessen' as the brunette had playfully called the pasta she just made. She waited impatiently until Chloe gave her opinion on it. Luckily the redhead loved it, not only because she said so with a bright smile, but also because she left an empty plate with no traces of sauce left. The best part was the sauce, Beca knew. That was her secret, grandma's sauce recipe.

During dinner both friends talked comfortably about the day, about how Aubrey took the first chance to leave on 'holidays' and also about the next day. Chloe explained Beca about her job, what were her duties and how she used to do it. She confessed to be scared about the kids not giving her a nice welcome after this long time, and not being able to run the rehearsals correctly. Beca made sure every single worry expressed by Chloe was cleared out of her thoughts. To every worry she would reply with a positive certainty making the redhead feel so much better.

When they finished dinner Beca insisted on doing the dishes herself while Chloe put on her pjs. Sitting on the bed she was thinking, and talked to Beca as soon as she walked by the room.


"Yes?" Beca stopped her tracks and leaned on the door frame casually.

"Do you remember when we had those sleepovers at Barden?" Chloe showed a shy smile. Beca smiled back.

"Yeah they were so much fun"

"Uhuh and remember we used to fall asleep sharing the bed?" Chloe was visibly insecure and broke eye contact with Beca.

The brunette had her eyes wide open, it was the first time Chloe talked about those days with her. Those days when she was...

"I was completely in love with you then" Chloe said simply, still looking at the floor. Beca was still trying to find words somewhere in her head. She lost the ability of thinking even, when Chloe's blue eyes found hers again. "You can sleep here tonight if you want... I mean you don't need to sleep on the couch... I mean we can watch a movie and fall asleep without realizing... I mean-"

"Sure." Beca managed to find herself again "Sure Chlo, I'll put my pjs on and be right back"

Both women shared a relieved and understanding smile. Each of them thought they understood, but the truth is they didn't. They were both deeply in love with the other but too scared to break what they had, once again. And each of them thought the other didn't feel the same way.

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