Unexpected turns

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Beca walked sleepily to answer the door. Checking the time she groaned and rubbed her eyes wondering who would be visiting this early. Early for a Saturday anyway. She was internally praying for it to be anyone but her dad. Beca could handle anyone but him while suffering from a little hangover. The previous night she and Chloe had been to the Michigan bar again, they liked the place and the owner told very good stories about her hometown. Beca and Chloe were sure 90% of the stories were fake anyway, and she only told them to make people laugh. They were fine with that as it worked pretty well to lighten their moods. Despite being offered free drinks many times Chloe and Beca didn't drink much, but adding those drinks to a busy day of work and little food in their stomach, it caused some bad effects in the morning.

As she opened the door carefully, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her in the air.

"Amy!?" Beca exclaimed in surprise recognizing her friend.

Fat Amy smiled widely and let Beca stand up again, breaking the hug to shake the brunette's shoulders in excitement.

"Short stack! I'm so happy to see you!"

Beca brought a hand to her spinning head and scrunched her face. Amy closed the door behind her and turned around to face Beca again.

"So you had a party last night?" She asked exaggerating a wink.

"Shh don't talk too loud" Beca begged moving her palms down. Then she guided her friend to the kitchen. "So what are you doing here? It's nice to see you too." That's when Beca saw Amy was carrying a big backpack. "Wait are you... staying?"

"What's going on, Beca? I'm your best friend, I am supposed to stay here whenever I want... right?" Amy said, offended.

"Shh Amy please I told you to lower the volume" Beca whispered with a quick glance to the side. "Of course you can stay... usually... it's just you should try calling first..." She was visibly nervous and the blonde noticed.

"Oh hang on there, you dirty little thang. Who is sleeping over?" Amy said slowly, studying every tiny movement Beca made. And she saw Beca blushed and gave another quick glance to the side, almost waiting for someone to walk in the room. "Oh my God there IS someone sleeping over!" Amy surprisingly whispered and didn't shout out loud. She stretched her neck up to check the living room. When seeing the couch was empty Amy just covered her mouth with both hands and jumped up and down around Beca.

Beca couldn't remember being that embarrassed in her whole life, she could feel the extremely red blush all over her face and neck. She managed to sit down and gave Amy the coldest glare she could give in that estate. It worked because Amy sat too.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your morning s-"

"No! No we weren't having morning sex. Or any sex!" Beca cut Amy off.

The blonde seemed disappointed, "What? Why would you bring them to your house if it's gonna be boring..." Another glare from Beca made Amy reconsider her approach to the subject. "You know I'm your best friend. I can keep secrets..."

Beca sighed. Amy would find out anyway, "It's Chloe" She said pretending to be concentrated on her nails. The silence that followed made her look back at Amy though, who was smirking naughtily.

"You are already living together?"

"What, 'already'? No! She's just staying for a couple of weeks until Aubrey comes back"

"Oh is she with Aubrey, then?" Amy asked confused.

"No! No they are just roommates" Beca said, she forgot to whisper.

"But does she sleep in the same bed with Aubrey to?" Amy asked calmly. Checkmate.

Beca was speechless. She didn't really have the answer to that. Did she have any answers at all? Yes she was in love with Chloe. That's the only thing she knew for sure. But was Chloe feeling the same? Would she be able to forgive her completely someday and give them a second chance? Was she really good for Chloe? Why were they sleeping so comfortably in the same bed, waking up cuddling?

Beca opened her mouth to say something, anything. But someone else spoke first.

"Amy!?" It was Chloe, standing by the kitchen. Her hair messy from sleeping and her favorite pjs on.

She was smiling widely, truly happy to see her friend from college again, her Bella Sister. Amy smiled too and ran to hug the redhead just like she had previously hugged Beca.

Chloe had been awake for some time already, she heard the door close and Amy's voice a few minutes ago and then overheard the conversation Beca and Amy had. Chloe couldn't help laughing with it. Fat Amy always had the ability of manipulating Beca's attention guiding it towards her own confusion. This was good for the brunette because she usually placed walls around everything she was really feeling.

"How are you, Ginger? Not crazy anymore?" Amy asked causing Chloe to chuckle. Beca was too busy concentrating on getting that blush off her face.

"I am feeling way better, thank you. It's nice to see you here! Are you staying with us?" Chloe asked. Both Amy and her turned to look at Beca with inquiring eyes.

"Sure you can..." Beca said with a little smile. "But sorry what's the reason you came to LA?"

"Yeah well you see, you told me you were in l-"

Amy realized what she was about to say, widened her eyes and corrected herself quickly.

"LA. You told me you were in LA and also told me all those things that happened ['with Chloe' she moved her lips with no sound] you said those things were true and I won the bets but you know, they want proof so I came here to get proof so they can pay me. You know, a girl needs her money for booze and life." She said all that too quickly causing an awkward silence.

"Okay, you and me can talk later about that" Beca stated standing up.

Amy knew she had probably made a mistake talking about Beca's confessions in front of Chloe. She whispered 'sorry' to Beca's ear while grabbing her bag. After that Amy just excussed herself to go to the bathroom and left the kitchen. Beca wanted to leave too, her mind was messed up and she was already too tired of thinking at 10am.

"Wait" Chloe stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok, Beca? I'm sorry if I allowed Amy to stay before you did, this is your place and-"

Chloe stopped talking when Beca's hand cupped her cheek. Time seemed to stop too, they were both holding their breaths and the only thing moving was Beca's thumb caressing Chloe's cheek slowly. This was it, Beca was tired of thinking. Looking directly into Chloe's eyes, she let them drag her in and take control of her. Beca's left hand found the redhead's other cheek as she leaned in finally closing the gap. Finally letting her heart decide and kissing Chloe eagerly.

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